Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Valencia College president receives small raise

1:42 p.m. EDT, July 16, 2013

Valencia College trustees today gave the school's president a small raise ? even though he asked multiple times during the meeting that his pay remain the same.

Trustees said President Sandy Shugart, who has not accepted a salary increase in several years, deserved at least the same increase offered to other employees. Full-time faculty and all staff members were given raises averaging 1.85 percent for the 2013-14 fiscal year.

Shugart's base salary will increase by about $5,400 to $298,466.

"I think the college has benefited enormously from his performance," said Lew Oliver, vice chairman of the board of trustees.

Oliver was the first trustee to say Shugart deserved more pay, and his colleagues agreed. Last year, Oliver also had protested Shugart's opposition to a raise.

Earlier Tuesday, trustees had praised Shugart during a discussion about his annual performance evaluation. He was rated "excellent" in all areas.

Shugart thanked the board for the additional money, but said he plans to donate it back to the college.

"I appreciate the thought," he said. or 407-420-5470.


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