Friday, August 31, 2012

Canada?s Summer Mortimer wins gold medal at London 2012 Paralympic Games

LONDON ? Her feet and ankles might ache constantly, even forcing her into a limp at times.

But Summer Mortimer knows how to make a pool deck entrance ? wear a big, wide smile, give a couple of fist pumps and ?Whoo! Hoo!? shrieks and stride to your lane with a sense of purpose that says you own the pool.

?Yes!? she said when that notion was put to her Friday evening after the Ancaster, Ont., native won her first Paralympic gold medal by capturing the S10 50-metre freestyle and breaking her own world record in the process. ?I like to have fun. Going into worlds, I didn?t realize there was cameramen, so I stuck my tongue out at them. Ever since then, I figure I may as well have fun with it.?

She?s having fun, alright. But the triple world record holder also looks like she?s trying to send a message to the other competitors in her class.

?Maybe subconsciously. I don?t mean too, but this is my favorite event, so I guess there could be some underlying arrogance about that from previous years. I just wanted to be relaxed, enjoy the moment and get my hand to the wall first.?

She did that in the one-lap race, touching in 28.10 seconds, .14 ahead of second-place Sophie Pascoe of New Zealand and .07 faster than she swam at the Paralympic trials in Montreal in April.

Mortimer, 19, admitted to an emotion-releasing cry before Thursday?s 200-metre invididual medley in which she finished second behind Pascoe?s world record swim. On Friday, her pre-race emotion was more anger.

?I was a bit annoyed, actually. I wanted this race so bad, I was mad at anyone who was going to take it from me. I think that worked as good motivation ? no nerves, just pure hardcore determination.?

That attribute has been Mortimer?s calling card ever since a terrible accident in November, 2008.

Just months after failing to qualify for the Beijing Olympics as a 15-year-old, Mortimer was on a mini-trampoline when she bounced 15 feet into the air and missed the sponge pit. She landed on the corner of a cement pad, shattering virtually all the bones in her feet.

Doctors initially thought they might have to amputate and then later said she?d never walk again. Mortimer, who spent six months in a wheelchair and another 18 on crutches defied that prediction.

But with six screws and a plate in her right foot and two more in her left, her ankles are constantly sore and will occasionally lock up and curtail her training. That allows her to compete in the S10 class for those with minimum physical disability.

Mortimer said she?s heard able-bodied swimmers call Paralympic swimming a joke. It annoys her.

?I know I shouldn?t care what people think, what people say, but it hits home. Anyone who said it doesn?t hurt them or impact them, they?re lying.

?Being here, meeting all these people made me realize I am so incredibly grateful for every experience I?ve had as a result of my accident. I don?t know if this is part of the journey I was supposed to walk in life, but I wouldn?t take it back for the world.?

?For the able-bodied people at home watching, I hope they gain some respect for me again because, really, the Paralympics are so much harder than the able-bodied side of sport. I know from first hand. It?s way harder.?

Canada also collected two silver medals in the pool Friday. Nathan Stein of Maple Ridge, B.C., was second in the men?s S10 50-metre freestyle and Calgary native Brianna Nelson, who now lives in Victoria, was second in the women?s S7 50-metre butterfly.

? copyright (c) Postmedia News


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NASA launches radiation belt storm probes mission

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? NASA's Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP), the first twin-spacecraft mission designed to explore our planet's radiation belts, launched into the predawn skies at 4:05 a.m. EDT Thursday from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.

"Scientists will learn in unprecedented detail how the radiation belts are populated with charged particles, what causes them to change and how these processes affect the upper reaches of the atmosphere around Earth," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate at Headquarters in Washington. "The information collected from these probes will benefit the public by allowing us to better protect our satellites and understand how space weather affects communications and technology on Earth."

The two satellites, each weighing just less than 1,500 pounds, comprise the first dual-spacecraft mission specifically created to investigate this hazardous regions of near-Earth space, known as the radiation belts. These two belts, named for their discoverer, James Van Allen, encircle the planet and are filled with highly charged particles. The belts are affected by solar storms and coronal mass ejections and sometimes swell dramatically. When this occurs, they can pose dangers to communications, GPS satellites and human spaceflight.

"We have never before sent such comprehensive and high-quality instruments to study high radiation regions of space," said Barry Mauk, RBSP project scientist at the Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md. "RBSP was crafted to help us learn more about, and ultimately predict, the response of the radiation belts to solar inputs."

The hardy RBSP satellites will spend the next 2 years looping through every part of both Van Allen belts. By having two spacecraft in different regions of the belts at the same time, scientists finally will be able to gather data from within the belts themselves, learning how they change over space and time. Designers fortified RBSP with special protective plating and rugged electronics to operate and survive within this punishing region of space that other spacecraft avoid. In addition, a space weather broadcast will transmit selected data from those instruments around the clock, giving researchers a check on current conditions near Earth.

"The excitement of seeing the spacecraft in orbit and beginning to perform science measurements is like no other thrill," said Richard Fitzgerald, RBSP project manager at APL. "The entire RBSP team, from across every organization, worked together to produce an amazing pair of spacecraft."

RBSP was lifted into orbit aboard an Atlas V 401 rocket from Space Launch Complex-41, as the rocket's plume lit the dark skies over the Florida coast. The first RBSP spacecraft is scheduled to separate from the Atlas rocket's Centaur booster 1 hour, 18 minutes, 52 seconds after launch. The second RBSP spacecraft is set to follow 12 minutes, 14 seconds later. Mission controllers using APL's 60-foot satellite dish will establish radio contact with each probe immediately after separation.

During the next 60 days, operators will power up all flight systems and science instruments and deploy long antenna booms, two of which are more than 54 yards long. Data about the particles that swirl through the belts, and the fields and waves that transport them, will be gathered by five instrument suites designed and operated by teams at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark; the University of Iowa in Iowa City; University of Minnesota in Minneapolis; and the University of New Hampshire in Durham; and the National Reconnaissance Office in Chantilly, Va. The data will be analyzed by scientists across the nation almost immediately.

RBSP is the second mission in NASA's Living With a Star (LWS) program to explore aspects of the connected sun-Earth system that directly affect life and society. LWS is managed by the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. APL built the RBSP spacecraft and will manage the mission for NASA. NASA's Launch Services Program at Kennedy is responsible for launch management. United Launch Alliance provided the Atlas V launch service.

For more information about NASA's RBSP mission, visit:

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kim's Craft Blog -- Fiction, Memoir, Creative Writing: The Video Book ...

When I launched my memoir, Teaching the Dog to Think, this past spring, I was told by the marketing sages that I absolutely had to do a book trailer. This advice made my heart sink. Book trailers have always had that Madison Avenue hard-sell feel to me--And, of course, this sort of work falls mainly upon writers these days. (You can tell I've been dragged my heels about this whole book trailer idea because my book has been out since late winter, and I'm just getting around to it now.)

My first move was to watch a million other book trailers. Once I did, I realized that I simply didn't know what I wanted. Some trailers I saw had very high production values and looked as if the author was already making the Hollywood movie (perhaps some of them were), while other book trailers were home-made affairs with the author speaking directly into the camera in a confessional sort of way. Some trailers strayed out into left field--into animation or "cute video teasers" that were attractive in themselves but that often left you scratching your head as to what the book was about.

Finally, I had the good sense to do what I should have done in the first place: I turned the project over to someone else. I hired a Producer.

During the "dog days" of August, my Producer and I spent a week shooting each other book trailers and author videos that we each liked by email. My Producer urged me to focus upon "the story of the book," which turned out to be very good advice. I had already written a synopsis and several promos for Teaching the Dog to Think, but the script for the book trailer had to be even more distilled. Book trailers are really very short--And you have to get your message across swiftly.

The writing process consisted of adapting short phrases from the book and stitching them together in a loose organization. Again, my Producer and I shot script drafts back and forth for a week or two. And then it was time to record.

I didn't like those "confessional" videos, where the author speaks directly at the camera, and so my Producer ended up having me speak in voice-over while the camera panned over still photographs. This is a nice technique for a memoir, because it providers a more "active" feel than a mere slideshow, but still gives a "retrospective feeling" to the material. And the voice-over provides a nice sense of contact with the author's voice without feeling that she (or he) is blaring at you.

I had a case of nerves sitting down in the recording booth for the first time, since I'm not a professional actor. However, my Producer is, and he gave me different things to think about as I read the script, and different approaches to try. We ended up recording three or four different takes, each in a different style (one "quiet" take; one take as if I were "reading to an audience"; etc). Having an approach to think about while we recorded had a calming effect on me--which may have been the whole point.

The next thing I knew, my Producer was saying, "Okay, that's it. I think I have enough."

"You do?" I said. I was surprised that we were done so fast, but my Producer was leaning over me, unhooking me from the recording apparatus. If I'd known how easy this was going to be, I would have done it much sooner.

?I can't tell you how grateful I was to be able to turn the editing and mixing over to this competent young man.?Still, it would not be exaggerating to say that my expectations were extremely low. I didn't have that many good still photographs to use, and I wasn't sure what my Producer would be able to do with them.?And, like a lot of people, I have an active dislike for the sound of my own voice.

Also, I couldn't imagine how our little script that we'd cobbled together could result in something on film. Call it a lack of imagination, as well as a lack of experience on my part with video and sound production.

A few days later, I got to see the rough cut. I had a glass of wine in my hand to calm my nerves and the firm conviction that the book trailer would be positively cringeworthy. This feeling was not directed at my Producer, whom I was sure would do his best--but at the material I had provide him. Oh dear. This was going to be a disaster, and it would not be his fault, but mine.

The video started, the camera panned across the pictures, my own voice spoke in my ears--and somehow (miraculously!)--it wasn't awful. In fact, it was kind of, well, kind of good. Could it be? Yes, it was. It was definitely, unexpectedly, darn decent.

The photographs of the dog were adorable, especially the puppy pictures, and they were seemingly animated by the motion of the camera. My own voice sounded much better than it ever had before--not squeaky or whiny--I still don't know how my Producer managed that. ?And most importantly, the trailer was good enough to use, and was definitely not cringeworthy. ?Check it out, and--as you watch--enjoy those adorable puppy pictures:


Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4 will support HiDPI, MacBook Pro Retina Display in 'the coming months'

You know who's likely to buy the MacBook Pro with Retina Display? Creative professionals (obviously). So you know what programs should really be optimized for that 2,880 x 1,800 screen? Try Photoshop, or Lightroom. Adobe hears your frustration, and apparently empathizes mightily: the company just posted a blog post promising Photoshop CS6, Lightroom 4 and Photoshop Touch will support HiDPI, including the MacBook Pro's Retina Display, within the "coming months." (No, this near-term update does not include Photoshop Elements, unfortunately.) While that timetable is on the vague side, the outfit says having a Creative Cloud membership will ensure you get that update sooner. Until then, your frankengadget renders will still look a little blurry, sorry.

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Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4 will support HiDPI, MacBook Pro Retina Display in 'the coming months' originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 30 Aug 2012 16:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Vinyl windows austin,patio doors austin - Sound Proofing Windows

Floors, ceilings, and walls can all be soundproofed with no trouble, however plenty of noise can still get in via the home's windows, thus all the effort made in the other parts of the room might be wasted. In particular the sound made by on passing vehicles can be really annoying, and is capable of keeping homeowners awake. But it is quite possible to get windows soundproofed, even though the cost implication of this depends on the preferred solution.

Before the windows themselves are examined, it is necessary to look at the window frames. If some parts of the window frame have been damaged, then it will be easy for sound to penetrate because sound travels via the air. However it is quite possible to locate even very tiny gaps by simply finding out the parts where a draught exists. If some sections of the window frame have been damaged, then the problem can easily be taken care of by making use of a draught excluder or putty.

But sound waves are capable of travelling through glass. So even if there are no damages on the window frame, the noise coming from the outside can still be heard in the house. This is why there are only 3 or 4 genuine options as regards soundproofing windows.

The first option which has to do with using triple or double glazing to replace windows is definitely not the cheapest. Such glazing are available in different varieties, however is usually rated according to how it can decrease noise levels getting into the home. Apart from the high cost, double glazing cannot be done in many homes, particularly rented homes.

The second technique for getting windows soundproofed is by utilizing secondary glazing, which is quite distinct from double glazing. This method utilizes Perspex or glass installed on a new frame that sits within the window. The air trapped between the two glass panes will aid to keep out all noise coming from the outside.

The third method of soundproofing a window utilizes a sound plug and it can be an extremely effective option. There is a lot of similarity between a sound plug and secondary glazing in terms of functioning, however instead of installing a section of transparent material within the plug, a board that has been covered with soundproofing material is used to replace it. This technique works better than secondary glazing however its major disadvantage is that it will not allow light to get into the room.

To some extent the fourth option will work by itself, however it is usually used in combination with a number of the other options for soundproofing windows. Heavy, thick, double lined curtains will keep out all the noise coming from the outside, and will help to decrease noise coming from the inside also. Special curtains that help reduce noise can be purchased from specialist retailers however regular, widespread curtains are also effective.

Window soundproofing are an excellent way to decrease unwanted noise however it offers an additional benefit in that the soundproofing will also aid to prevent heat from escaping to the outside, thus helping to decrease the heating bills of the home.

William Stanton is a freelance writer from Texas. He writes mainly for Austin Windows which is a local window supplier providing custom builds and installations to all their customers for over 20 years.

Keywords: Vinyl windows austin,patio doors austin,Austin Windows,replacement windows Austin

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8 Ways Toward Enhance Your PC Performance | Exact Article

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Cloud computing at the moment is more well-liked than ever before. Over the previous couple of years, most leaders in equipment jumped right into cloud computing market. Cloud computing companies that own potential to lead in 2012 are mentioned below.


The fashion we search comprehension was fully improved since Google joined the industry. The search large again improved the fashion we worth our application computer software via their Google Apps that supply cloud-primarily based email, calendar and documents designed for small and mid-sized enterprises toward giant providers. Google lately launched Google Music Beta. It is a service which allows you store your music on the internet and supplies instantaneous entry with out having toward sync between devices. It was additionally speculated that Google could also be resurrecting their cloud storage venture, GDrive.


Amazon claims itself Earth?s prime selection. I assumed it could even be one of many longest cloud computing companies on this planet. Cloud computing, cloud space for storing, cloud knowledge bank, content material supply, payment, monitoring are examples of their companies leading in the market. You need toward have a look at AWS as lengthy as you might be looking for an impressive cloud service supplier via aggressive price.


Apple?s answer toward cloud computing market is to ship iCloud service toward their prospects. Using iCloud, customers can sync countless contents such as footage, music, motion pictures, documents etc. to cloud, and open or play it from any Mac, PC, iPhone & iPad. Having millions of present loyal prospects, iCloud will most likely be a huge success. It was reported that Apple tried to buy in style cloud storage brand Dropbox meant for $800 hundreds of thousands, conversely their offer was declined.


Some people believed cloud computing is the threat to Microsoft. Realizing the altering pattern, the OS giant is trying toward buy ground among the lead cloud computing companies through Home windows Azure. Home windows Azure is now really fashionable among their loyal Windows viewers. provides buyer relationship management (CRM) products to enterprise people. It is without doubt one of the a massive amount successful cloud vendors offering PaaS.


Dropbox, Inc. supplies cloud storage to end users. It offers innumerable consumer customers throughout different cell and computer OS. Using Dropbox viewers, viewers can simply store and distribute files toward others via the internet. Consumers may stream audio and video from their Dropbox accounts toward cell Dropbox buyers like Android, iPhone and iPad. Free people can delight in 2GB of free storage. They can get up to 8 Gigabytes of free on the net storage by fashion of referring other customers to Dropbox. Paid account starts from $9.99/month for 50 GB. Dropbox additionally consists of a hundred Gigabyte plot and huge quota subscription.


SugarSync is an on line storage company which presents software package computer software to synchronize paperwork, graphics counting extra media among multiple computing devices (each Mac & Windows), and even routinely again them up web based. SugarSync provides 5 Gigabytes of free on line storage toward every buyer.

Box.internet is a content administration and internet based storage business. Box.web now gives 5 GB to free consumer, whilst the competitor Dropbox affords solely 2 Gigabytes. But, Dropbox?s viewers can bring as a lot as 8 Gigabytes freed from significance should they recommend their friends toward enroll Dropbox. 500 GB of internet based storage prices $15/month in Box.internet whilst Dropbox will cost you $9.99 in favor of 50 Gigabytes. That may be a huge difference. But, Dropbox involves larger choice of client software programs ? Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Home windows Cellphone, Blackberry etc.

PC processing velocity nearly all will depend on the pace of processor of a computer. Though there are extra exterior elements that affect the efficiency of your PC. In order to enhance PC performance, somebody must place more effort in style upkeep like as scheduled defragmentation of pc drive and clear up of non permanent files saved in PC. From here, I will reveal some tips on how to improve your PC efficiency without the help of others.

1. Defragment

Designed for your comprehension, knowledge that stored in the laptop are arranged in a specified system. Every time a software program is uninstalled, the information will likely be erased from the style wherein an empty house is generated from the motion taken. The empty area can be later occupied through modern knowledge as quickly as new packages is installed. The newly installed software programs won?t arranged in a bunch nonetheless separated into few countless data group which this course of is certainly slowing down laptop performance. Defragment is meant toward rearrange the fragment of knowledge into a proper aspect which fetching of knowledge from style develop into smoother and quicker. Schedule defragmentation is advisable intended for laptop visitors particularly those who excited about software programs testing.

2. Scheduled Clear Up

Cleaning up the dust within the pc will improved the efficiency? May be right designed for desktop but really not in favor of laptop. Scheduled clear up in this case mode the elimination of junk recordsdata in your computer. Normal internet browsing activities will make variety of files such as cookies which are used toward facilitate web browsing. Accumulation of these information will finally decelerate your PC.

3. Avoid Installation of Memory-Consuming Monster

Your computer efficiency could lower due to some memory-consuming monster installed in your computer. These monster include antivirus software especially internet safekeeping software, out-of-date internet browser, pps (via the internet video streaming) and professional drawing program. Antivirus applications is the mainly widespread source of reminiscence-consumption software that in all probability slow down your PC. One of the recommended approach to enhance your computer performance is toward set up gentle antivirus software program likes Avira Antivir Personal or Avast. The defense degree of those computer software could be adequate used for normal every day usefulness of laptop except you?re dealing with high risk illegal download.

4. Uninstall Unwanted Computer software

There shall be a second while you keep all the unwanted computer software in your PC and await meant for the next format so as toward get rid of those software system. This might be a very perilous behavior designed for PC maintenance which these unwanted software program will certainly devour the limited reminiscence resource. Perform a scheduled removing of these program alongside by the cleaning up of junk files. You can simply supply the elimination utilizing Home windows Clear Up characteristic for Windows clients.

5. Flip Off Undesirable Background Software

Each time you turn in your PC, it would take much less time toward boot as long as these are not a lot software system operating on the startup time. As you place in more application in your PC, there might be extra applications being activated during startup time which is certainly slowing down your PC even when PC boot. These applications run in background aspect and eat part of the PC memory. So as toward avoid reminiscence consumption by these background software programs, somebody can flip off these programs via following the steps beneath:

* click Home windows Logo + R
* sort msconfig in search field
* uncheck the unwanted software system

6. Turn Off Sidebar

Windows visitors could comprehension sluggish startup due toward the working of sidebar feature. Windows Sidebar operate simple-access to certain applications and likewise a clear picture of the date & time notification. At the similar time, sidebar function used up around 100 Mb toward keep these applications running. It is strongly recommended to flip off sidebar toward keep away from decreased laptop performance.

7. Add Extra RAM

In addition to of processing energy, dimension of RAM is another necessary standards that choose the pc efficiency in time period of speed. RAM acts as the momentary storage designed for data used toward open sure computer software. Extra RAM place in in your PC eliminate the need of fetching information from the aspect each time you open an applications and this may improve the PC performance.

8. Format

Last resolution meant for unhealthy performing pc is toward undergo format. When format, your PC will free from all downside such as virus infection and sluggish performance. So as to maintain your PC give out properly, kindly observe the steps as described above.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How I Surpassed My First Day as an Income Property Investor - Real ...

When I first started realty investing, I found myself clueless. You could say that I was fresh out of boot. As a beginner real estate investor then, I expected everything to start right and just do what I have learned by the book. I know well that I need to push myself to not only bring in my very first revenue, but to build experience too. My primary big concern was where must I begin? It was like staring directly into an anthill, so unorganized but you know their disorganization is an organization in itself. Moving on, I've been very ecstatic to start since it is the day to invest in my own income property.

To create a never-ending cashflow is my life-long desire. I am tired of sitting day in, day out in my office, in which my glowing computer screen and cubicle walls tend to be the only sights to see. This is what investing in income property has given me -the freedom to work because I want to. I am a people person and I can certainly see myself enjoying and meeting new people, being able to help them out to escape from the corporate jungle. Like a well-oiled machine, everything will run seamlessly once I develop a full-grasp of investing, I promised myself.

My inborn abilities as a jill of all trades was put to the test when I bought my first income property. One must be able to find reasonably priced and reputable contractors, have an extensive knowledge of the local property laws, interior designing, create excellent relations with buyers, renters and sellers, and knowing the key concepts of the different realty investing strategies. It's not possible to know everything about real estate investing so it's best to focus and become an expert at the basics and strategies.

It's advisable to have it all planned out. How are you intending to finance your realty venture? What's your exit strategy? With regards to financial circumstances, you can utilize your 401k or Roth IRA if you would like to start investing right away. You don't even need lots of money or a good credit score to invest. Your aim is to make a financial gain and you'll make that happen by setting the terms towards your exit plan and buying the income property for the right price.

Your main goal here is to have financial freedom. It seems only yesterday that I had made my very first successful income property deal. Your very best educator is experience. Immersing yourself into it is a different form of learning experience even so, studying, signing up for a real estate investing school, and listening to what your mentors have to say are priceless sources of information themselves. Let your curiosity spark and don't be reluctant; the beginners of today are tomorrow?s professionals. Considering that, every successful journey has to begin with a single step.

More articles and comprehensive information on real estate and investing at Epic Professionals.


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Read More - Health & Fitness Articles at Exercise 24.

Love said he believes that the long-term benefits of specific decisions can be reinforced with tangible rewards, like a note, a raise or promotion, which may serve as indicators of long-term success and help overcome short-term prejudicesWhile psychologists have long studied how humans make choices, is among the first research that looks at how far people ?could have? when making decisions that affect their future was repeated.

Faced with a choice that could give the format a short-term satisfaction or long-term benefits, people with complete information on options for the award are generally faster, according to new research from the University of Texas at Austin psychologists.

?You think, with information on options, a person would make a better decision. Our study suggests the opposite,? said Associate Professor Bradley Love, who led the research with university students Eight Ross. ?To fully appreciate the long-term option, you must choose repeatedly and begin to feel the benefits.?

?We hope that the new Defra Ministers will make a lot of attention to the report, particularly the basic message that the responsibility and cost sharing should reduce the risks and costs of animal disease and improve animal welfare.?

In a real life scenario, a student who was studying at home and later learned that he had missed a picnic would be less inclined to consider the next time a similar situation ? although this option offers more long-term benefits .

However, subjects who received a full and accurate information on what should have abandoned the short term to earn points in the long run, has selected the rapid increase of more than twice as likely than those given false information or no information about the benefits would give up.

?Basically, people stay away from thinking about pain in the short-term gains, or are buried and, objectively, will end up worse,? said Love.


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Is Lower Back Pain Relief Something You Are Looking For?

Lower back pain relief is a common subject of online searches and even discussions at gatherings when people randomly select topics to discuss including the weather and their health. Most everyone is interested in learning the latest information available regarding this topic as many individuals are among the millions of pain sufferers looking for lower back pain relief

Let's start with the basics of a healthy lifestyle that include eating a proper well-balanced diet, getting adequate rest and keeping fit. These of course are the very important keys to keeping our body healthy and strong to protect it and avoid any injuries. But face it, society today is very much more active as we are physically moving and often rushing around to take care of daily routines to manage our jobs, our homes and our families. It is very easy under those circumstances to overdo things that involve the use of our bodies and over exerting ourselves as we push to accomplish everything.

There are also other circumstances that we can't always control, such as an injury that is suffered at work or at play or involvement in an auto accident that can cause us to seek lower back pain relief. Sometime no matter how much emphasis we place on maintaining a healthy lifestyle certain conditions are unavoidable. During these stressful times quality medications are important to provide pain relief and allow your body to participate in your everyday life events.

It should never be implied that pharmaceuticals can take the place of balanced nutrition and physical fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle. It sometimes becomes necessary for doctors to prescribe medication that will help you enhance the qualify of your life as you cope with an illness or injury that can benefit from pharmaceutical relief. Which takes us to the main point of this topic that involves acquiring medications and pharmaceuticals that are top quality for a reasonable price to provide you with lower back pain relief.

Medications that have been prescribed by a doctor can help maximize your life when they are taken as directed by your physician. Often the cost involved to obtain these medications make it difficult for patients to use the required medications. Locating a supplier of quality products at lower costs is the solution to this dilemma. It can be a challenge to locate the right company, but you can find quality suppliers of brand name and generic medications at the lowest price online and have them shipped right to your door. Finding a reputable online supplier can give you peace of mind because you will be purchasing quality products at the best price to achieve the greatest results for your overall health and wellness.

Maximize your life by taking your prescribed medications. Whether you need some lower back pain relief or need your prescriptions to manage your chronic illness, these medications are vital to a long and healthy life. Click here for more in-depth discussions.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Severe Heart Attacks Are Becoming Less Deadly

By DR. TIFFANY CHAO, ABC News Medical Unit

Severe heart attacks may not be as deadly as they used to be, according to new research.

A new French study demonstrated that in patients who are hospitalized for severe heart attacks ? technically known as ST-elevation myocardial infarctions ? the chances of dying within 30 days dropped from 13.7 percent in 1995 to 4.4 percent in 2010, an improvement of 68 percent.

Researchers looked at data from nationwide registries in France in 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 which included more than 6,700 patients who had heart attacks and were admitted to intensive care units.? They analyzed the data and found that the improvement in survival was likely related to a number of factors, including changes in demographics, more timely presentation to hospitals, improvements in medications and treatments, and higher rates of stenting open up blocked arteries.

The reduced chance of dying is ?consistent with many other sources in the United States and Europe,? reported the lead author, Dr. Etienne Puymirat, in the article published today by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).? So even though the study was conducted in France, cardiologists in the U.S. report similar experiences.

?This is certainly consistent with what we?re seeing in the United States,? said Dr. Randall Zusman, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.? ?If they reach the hospital, they will likely leave the hospital, so it?s so important that people recognize the importance to coming and being assessed as soon as possible.?

The authors found that a number of improved preventive strategies and advances in treatment have helped heart attack victims? survival.

On average, patients came to the hospitals much sooner after the onset of symptoms like chest pain ? perhaps because public health efforts have increased awareness that symptoms like chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath, or pain radiating down the arms, back, neck or jaw, can be symptoms of a heart attack.

Once patients arrived at the hospital, there was a 50 percent increase in therapy to fix coronary artery blockages, usually with a technique involving the insertion of a tiny metal sleeve known as a stent to prop the blood vessels open. In addition, there was more efficient use of effective medications such as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins and blood-thinning medications.

?Things like the increased use of [stenting and] the increased use of better medications at higher doses are all going to be applicable to our practices,? said Dr. Carl Lavie, the medical director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at Ochsner Clinic Foundation and Hospital in New Orleans.? ?There might even be better drugs being used today.? These big reductions in mortality ? you?d actually expect that.?

Another finding was the change in demographics of who is having a heart attack.? The study found that the proportion of younger women having heart attacks more than doubled from 11.8 percent in 1995 to 25.5 percent in 2010. The authors attributed this to the prevalence of smoking and obesity.

?The big message for me is that we are geniuses as doctors and interventionalists in saving the lives of people with acute myocardial infarctions, but the patients themselves contribute to their own disease by not paying attention to risk factors,? said Dr. Marianne Legato, founder and director of the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine in New York. ?Young women who smoke put themselves at significant risk.?

According to the study, ?These observations suggest that future reductions in the incidence and mortality related to [heart attacks] will need specific targeting of preventive measures toward younger women and possibly younger men.?

Mass General Hospital?s Zusman agreed that public health efforts should be made to encourage people to seek out care when they have symptoms.

?The things we?re doing ? the new drugs, aggressive intervention systems ? are working,? he said. ?But the patient can?t benefit from them unless they come to the hospital.?


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Book on Environment, Society and Sustainable Development ...

Islamabad ?-?The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) would launch a book on selected research articles and papers on Environment, Society and Sustainable Development on August 27.
The book ?Environment, Society and Sustainable Development?, is authored by eminent writers and published in various editions of Pakistan?s premier environmental Journals during the last twenty years.

These writings not only summarized important environmental concerns during the last two decades but also showcase SDPI?s twenty years of struggle for conservation of nature and sustainable socio-economic development in the country. Dr. Anwar Ahmad, chairman of National Language Authority (NLA) would be chief guest at the launching ceremony, said a news release issued here on Friday.

Engineer Asif S. Khan, director general of Pakistan Environment Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) would be key speaker on the occasion.

The book is part of SDPI?s twentieth years anniversary celebrations which includes publication of special books on various aspects of sustainable development.


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Pets teach no regrets - Sentinel & Enterprise

COURTESY PHOTO Molly didn't care about plans or the past; she cared about just being with us.

Parent Forward by Bonnie J. Toomey

You may teach your dog new tricks and spend much of their puppy days training them, but there's a lot we can learn from our pets as well.

It was difficult and painful to say goodbye to our beloved Molly after 12 years, but she gave our family the chance to reflect on some important lessons.

The day of her memorial, I hiked alongside my husband, children, and grandchildren up to one of Molly's favorite spots, where we each took a turn sharing our own Molly moments. Through laughs and tears we looked out over the lake, another of her favorite places, and I realized her greatest lesson to us all was to live in the moment.

I watched my children release her remains to a rainbow sun and gentle breeze. I saw the look of love and respect in their eyes.

Molly didn't care about plans or the past; she cared about just being with us. She was expert at getting us to breathe in and appreciate the time at hand. Catching the sight of her running through the woods or feeling her contentedness as she nestled nearby after a belly rub were some of her reminders of just how beautiful and simple life can be.

Shortly after she passed away and leading up to the family gathering to commemorate her life, I worried how we would talk to our grandkids about her death. But I had forgotten that children are naturally resilient and curious and deal with life in a truthful and here-and-now kind of way.

My 4-year-old grandson

called us.

"Grammy, I'm sorry about Molly. Where is she now?"

"She is lying right here on her bed," I said choking up quietly.

"Can she talk?"

"No," I said gently.

"Can she walk?"

"No," I answered.

"I miss Molly," he said.

"So do I."

His parents had explained that Molly had been cremated and when they arrived the next day, I led him holding the wildflowers he had picked with his parents to a candlelit nook where we had her picture, flowers from the garden and, to lighten the moment, a caricature of Molly that Papa made out of hotdogs and toothpicks.

"Where's Molly, Grammy?"

"Right here," I said showing him her small flowered tin, "We're bringing her up to the mountaintop today." I added she was already in Dog Heaven, the same thing my dad had said to me when I was a child.

"OK," he finally said and then he asked brightly if he could have a hot dog too.


The night before, our 2-year-old grandson had picked up on his parents' cues.

"We are going to Grammy's and Papa's tomorrow," my daughter explained as she tucked him in and then she paused, "for a sad reason," but before she could finish he asked the question.

"Oh, because of Molly?"

Kids live in the moment too, just like our pets.

And the next day together on the summit during the little ceremony, our grandsons held out their small hands eagerly.

"We want some too!"

Even I had to chuckle when our youngest one had managed to get it all over his face. But he soon tossed the rest up into the air just like everyone else.

The ache of Molly's absence is what reminds us all that time is precious and that relationship is what is at the core of our human experience.

Our pets give us the chance to learn a very important lesson: caring and respect and how to live while we're among the living.

"Better, happier, more balanced lives" is what Cesar Milan, the famed dog-whisperer says he has learned from animals. "They don't regret the past or worry about the future," he says.

WebMD touts myriad other tricks our pets can teach us. Here are some surprising lessons from our four-legged friends.

* Focus on one thing at a time.

* Take a nap when needed.

* Walk every day.

* Cultivate friendships.

* Don't hold a grudge.

* Smile or put a spring in your step; there's a strong connection between gratitude and general well-being.

* Maintain curiosity.

* Be silly. Cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center found a stronger sense of humor in those with healthy hearts.

* Get a back rub; touch can ease pain, boost the immune system and is powerful.

* Drink water; dogs lap it up. Water keeps your muscles and tissues healthy without adding extra calories.

* Eat fish. Rush University researchers found those who eat fish once a week are 60 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's.

* If you love someone, show it. Dogs don't play hard to get.

* Play nurtures creativity, intelligence, problem solving and social skills. Children playing in natural settings has been linked to better distance vision, fewer ADHD symptoms, and better school performance.

* Groom. Good personal hygiene increases self-esteem.

* Be aware of body language. Animals are great at reading posture, speech patterns and eye contact.

* Stretch often. It increases muscle strength, endurance and power.

* Seek out shade. Most likely your pet will take a break in a cool spot; the health benefits of staying protected from the sun's harmful UV rays are unquestionable.

* Stick to a schedule. The body responds well to regular sleep, exercise and eating.

But most of all, try to live in the moment, so that when you have to say goodbye to someone you love, you can do it without regrets.

Bonnie J. Toomey writes and blogs about families in today's world. You can visit her at and contact her at


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Refinery blast kills at least 7 in Venezuela

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ? A huge explosion rocked Venezuela's biggest oil refinery early Saturday, killing at least seven people and injuring dozens, an official said.

Balls of fire rose over the Amuay refinery, one of the largest in the world, in video posted on the Internet by people who were nearby at the time.

Falcon state Gov. Stella Lugo gave the initial death toll on state television, saying at least 48 people were injured.

"The areas that had to be evacuated were evacuated," Lugo said, according to the state-run Venezuelan News Agency. "The situation is controlled. Of course they're still a fire rising very high, but ... the specialists tell me there is no risk of another explosion."

Firefighters and National Guard troops were securing the area at the refinery on the Paraguana Peninsula in western Venezuela, Lugo said.

The blast occurred after 1 a.m. when a gas leak created a cloud that ignited, Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said. Some nearby houses were damaged by the blast, he said.

"That gas generated a cloud that later exploded and has caused fires in at least two tanks of the refinery and surrounding areas," Ramirez said on state television. "The blast wave was of a significant magnitude."

Ramirez said oil workers will determine what caused the gas leak and were inspecting the damage along with troops. He said supplies of fuel had been cut off to the part of the refinery that was still in flames.

Vice President Elias Jaua said on his Twitter account that the military was deployed to the area and that air ambulances were dispatched to ferry the wounded. The defense minister was traveling to the refinery along with Ramirez and other officials, Jaua said.

Amuay is part of the Paraguana Refinery Complex, which also includes the adjacent Cardon refinery. Together, the two refineries process about 900,000 barrels of crude a day and 200,000 barrels of gasoline. It was unclear to what extent the explosion might affect oil shipments from Venezuela, a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.


Associated Press writer Jorge Rueda contributed to this report.


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Discover An Ideal Home Water Filter System -

home water filter, alkaline water ionize - Discover An Ideal Home Water Filter System
by Ronald
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Request Reprint | Print | About Author | Report Problem | Tweet This As we know that water may raise up a lot of impurities from the air by the reason of environmental pollution, and when definite impurities are available in this inexpensive substance, it outcomes may be different kinds of diseases. By the reason, the need for caring and filtered water has become destructive in the recent past. Presently there are a number of ways known that mostly used for water distillation and healing. For instance, distillation, reverse osmosis, ultra violet light, water softeners, filtration and boiling method are many way to find filtered water for everyday use. But, the most fashionable method is ionization. You can describe it in easy terms; ionization is a system through which water is converted into alkaline ionized water and acidic ionized water by using an ideal electrical device known as home water filter.

When it comes to the day-to-day market then it is flooded with a range of water purifier and filtered water system that used by peoples but not all the filtered machines meet the requirement of everyone and also they are not proficient in provides mineral and alkaline ionized water. But if you are really looking forward to discover a perfect home water filter system then you can do it by few clicks on the Internet.

Several aspects have been popular to inform the standing of an ideal water purifier over the other for proper home filtration. While, the most vital factors that control this may include cleanness of installation, such as. Many consumers will desire to get an appliance that is trouble-free to install. Next thing you would like to consider on the price of the home water filter that you looking for. With both the original charge and the expenditure of maintenance will find out whether a best quality home water filter brand is fashionable or not. Giving Warranty is yet another feature that contributes to an ionizer's attractiveness. A best quality alkaline water ionizer that comes with a lifetime warranty will absolutely charge higher instead of one that comes with perhaps a year or two years of warranty. The demonstration of superior water filter also indicates its recognition, that what's the capacity of particular alkaline water and what do they do. How much lowest acid water it can create after filtration? Because of several good qualities machines are able to supply, acid water with ph value at 1.8 and the maximum alkaline ionized water at the ph value of 11.6.

This is also fact that water with lowest acid and highest alkaline is critical role play in keep the ph value of various part of our body such as ph value of urine, blood etc.

Learn how to increase your home's water quality with home water filters. You can get more information about that here

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Women In Business You Can Escape The ?Busy ... - Holistic Marketing

For a woman in business, prioritizing time can be a challenge. It?s been found that ?busy work? and other distractions like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can eat up your time. To eliminate busy work, try these tips. If you have too many emails, unsubscribe from all but one of the ?expert information? emails you receive. To accomplish more in less time, turn off your phone, ignore your email, and focus for 20 minutes to finish a specific task. Take a quick break, and repeat. Allocate social media time, giving yourself no more than 30 minutes a day at work and use the time solely for business purposes. Again, set that timer!

Read the full article here: Women In Business You Can Escape The ?Busy Trap? With These Simple Strategies


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Drummer, 5, stuns crowd with Led Zep song

By Courtney Garcia, NBC News

The viral video of a young (very young) band covering Led Zeppelin's classic "Rock and Roll" is entertaining all the way around, but your attention is immediately drawn to the drummer. Ethan Ventresca, 5, leads the crew of his schoolmates and teachers, hitting every beat nearly perfectly with a crash and slam, never losing his enthusiasm or rhythm.

Ventresca is performing with his band Jester, a group arranged through the School of Rock in Rocky River, Ohio. His dad Mike put the video on YouTube Aug. 19?and?it's ?been garnering thousands of hits every since. According to Mike, Ethan was just two when it became apparent he was graced with the gift of perfect pitch.

?I was pouring different amounts of water into glasses and dinging them, and he could tell you the exact note,? Mike tells NBC News. ?You can hit a glass, hit whatever. If there?s a tone there, he can pick it out.?

After initially learning notes while his dad played guitar, Ethan began matching those sounds to colors, and later became so adept he could hear any sound without a point of reference, and identify it. As a musician, the young rocker gravitated towards the drums, receiving his first official kit from Santa Claus at the age of 3. He?s currently working off set number three, and, along with weekly private lessons at the music school, bangs away two to three hours a day at home.

When he?s not rocking out, he?s listening to the likes of The Beatles, Aerosmith, and Jason Mraz.

?He?s never wanted toys, he only wants musical instruments,? Mike points out. ?Whereas most parents are out buying ?Star Wars? games, he wants tubas, and mandolins, and banjos.?

Courtesy Mike Ventresca

Ethan is the youngest player in his group at the School of Rock, but age appears to make little difference in the dynamic. His teacher, Dan Price, describes his abilities as ?rare,? noting Ethan was able to master ?Rock and Roll? in a few months.

?He?s a sponge, he picks up just about everything I throw at him,? observes Price. ?I don?t think I?ve ever encountered a 5-year-old so sharp and focused. He really loves the instrument, and is really dedicated.?

While the famous Zeppelin jam may not be the most complicated of all drum parts, Price describes it as ?iconic,? and a ?rite of passage? for drummers.

?The intro specifically is difficult,? he adds. ?I?ve talked to many musicians my age, and they can never figure out the timing.?

Along with his grade school studies and rock n? roll lessons, Ethan will be joining the local Cleveland band Shout for a live gig coming up in September, where he?ll perform Stevie Wonder?s ?Superstition? and Journey?s ?Any Way You Want It.? ?But despite his rising profile, Mike claims his son shows no sign of superstar egotism just yet.

Mike comments, ?My biggest concern has been that he?s young, and I wondered how he would get along with the other kids, but I think he sits there in his own world.?

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St louis Roofers, Boyster Roofing - Significance Of Roofing

to Jeff A.

You should take roofing repairs and maintenance seriously if you wish to stay clear of unforeseen financial costs. Roofing is a crucial house improvement project and one that involves massive monetary investments. Given that most roofing projects involve good deal of cash, it is vital that you work with the proper service provider.

Choosing the best Roofing Contractor

Even though there are numerous roofing contractors that can fulfil your requirements, it's in your interest to select a professional roofing contractor. Qualified contractors are best prospects for the job mainly because they have many years of expertise in the discipline. When selecting a professional roofing contractor, be certain you check the service standard of the provider. There are numerous contractors who claim to be experts but they are not able to supply quick service due to the fact they don't have the essential work force. Great roofing contractors provide prompt and responsive emergency services to complete your specifications.

When selecting a roofing contractor, make sure their work force is skilled and qualified to complete the job. Specialist roofing contractors have qualified work force which can identify all kinds of challenges you're most likely to face in advance. Furthermore, the work given towards the contractor has to be fully guaranteed. If they do not give any kind of guarantee, they will not correct any roofing challenges that you detect right after they complete the work and then leave your property.

You have to also check if the roofing contractor is registered with under Construction Skills Certification Scheme or CSCS. Contractors which might be CSCS listed have construction expertise which might be necessary to complete the work. The roofing contractor you use must also hold a extensive insurance coverage plan. If the contractor holds a extensive insurance plan, it'll shield you and your property from monetary damage when people are injured. Complete insurance coverage policy will also guard you when third party property is broken when roofing repairs and also upkeep is done.

Benefits of Picking Professional Roofing Contractor

Although selecting the best roofing contractor may take time, you will be glad that you took time to pick the correct contractor when the project starts. In the event you select an unprofessional contractor, you will soon recognize the blunder you've committed. Instead of repenting for your errors, take your time in deciding on a professional roofing contractor who can complete the job with out any difficulty.

Picking an expert contractor for your roofing specifications will place your thoughts at ease. Even if the work will need quite a few months to complete, you will need not be concerned as you've chosen an expert to complete the job. Due to the fact qualified contractors have numerous years of expertise in the field, they are going to design roof that can enhance the energy efficiency of your house. Hiring an expert contractor will also support in improving the value of the home. Most new property owners choose buying homes which have new roof mainly because updating the roof is an high priced and time-consuming approach. For those who set up a new roof before you put your house for sale, you are probably to obtain a improved value for your property.

Written by Jeff, hope you like this post and here are 2 more that i have just currently read and liked St louis Roofers and Boyster Roofing.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Scarlet Motors promises an open EV design process

Scarlet Motors launching today, promises an open EV design process

It's not every day that you see a new EV manufacturer get started; it's even less common when the company promises a switch-up of the typical automaker's formula. Scarlet Motors has made its formal debut with an aim towards the same kind of openness in its electric sports cars that founder Julien Fourgeaud would be familiar with from his days at Nokia and the Symbian Foundation. In addition to giving a peek behind the curtain, Tesla-style, Finland-based Scarlet wants future (and eventually current) drivers to influence the design choices themselves, both through a dedicated community as well as Facebook and Twitter. We'll get more details in time, but those that just can't wait can sign up to the community beta and help shape what might become their next ride.

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New Indoor Positioning Indoor Alliance, In-Location, Promotes ...

The In-Location Alliance was launched today by 22 companies across industries to drive innovation and market adoption of high accuracy indoor positioning and related services. Accurate indoor positioning opens up plenty of possibilities for new mobile services. For a consumer this could mean, for example, receiving directions to the right products and personalized product promotions in nearby shops; using real-time navigation inside a building; finding the precise location of assets and people; and even increasing security in emergency situations. For facility owners and local service providers this could enable, for example, increased local customer identification; enhanced product placement; and better customer satisfaction by deploying resources when and where needed.

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The Alliance will focus on creating solutions offering high accuracy, low power consumption, mobility, implementability and usability. It will create an ecosystem that stimulates innovation, enhances service delivery, and accelerates the adoption of solutions and technologies that optimize the mobile experience.

Founding members include: Broadcom, CSR, Dialog Semiconductor, Eptisa, Geomobile, Genasys, Indra, Insiteo, Nokia, Nomadic Solutions, Nordic Semiconductor, Nordic Technology Group, NowOn, Primax Electronics, Qualcomm, RapidBlue Solutions, Samsung Electronics, Seolane Innovation, Sony Mobile Communications, TamperSeal AB, Team Action Zone and Visioglobe.

Alliance members will pilot the most promising services and use cases from a business and solution point of view. The other important task for the Alliance is to ensure a multivendor environment by promoting open interfaces and a standard-based approach.

Alliance members are encouraged to execute their own pilots and present their data to the Alliance. The primary solutions will be based on enhanced Bluetooth? 4.0 low-energy technology and Wi-Fi standards using relevant existing or coming features of those technologies. These technologies are commonly used in mobile handsets and are thus a natural starting point for the Alliance?s efforts.

Pre-commercial pilots and business model verifications will start in 2012, while 2013 is expected to bring mobile handset-based implementation enabling the first consumer applications in the indoor mobile environment.

The Alliance says: ?The aim of the In-Location Alliance is to act as a pioneer opening up new business streams for indoor environments. Indoor positioning is the next frontier of mobile services, offering great opportunities to enhance consumer experiences. For the benefit of enterprises, the Alliance will drive a world-wide indoor positioning system for use in major venues. Our pilots, along with technical evaluations, are paramount for driving rapid market adoption.?

Patrick Connolly from ABI Research says: ?The indoor location market sits on the cusp of a wave, with the market set to reach a significant number of installations in 2015-2017. With a huge number of proprietary technologies vying for position, the establishment of the In-Location Alliance can encourage innovation, lower costs and, ultimately, widespread adoption of standard based technologies and solutions.?

About the In-Location Alliance
The In-Location Alliance was formed by 22 Member companies, including Broadcom, CSR, Dialog Semiconductor, Eptisa, Geomobile, Genasys, Indra, Insiteo, Nokia, Nomadic Solutions, Nordic Semiconductor, Nordic Technology Group, NowOn, Primax Electronics, Qualcomm, RapidBlue Solutions, Samsung Electronics, Seolane Innovation, Sony Mobile Communications, TamperSeal AB, Team Action Zone and Visioglobe. The In-Location Alliance is open for any industry member, who is ready to further investigate business opportunities in indoor location based services and see value and benefits in industry collaboration.

About the Alliance Members:

Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ: BRCM), a FORTUNE 500? company, is a global leader and innovator in semiconductor solutions for wired and wireless communications. Broadcom? products seamlessly deliver voice, video, data and multimedia connectivity in the home, office and mobile environments.? With the industry?s broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art system-on-a-chip and embedded software solutions, Broadcom is changing the world by Connecting everything?. For more information, go to

CSR is a global provider of innovative silicon and software solutions for the location-aware, media-rich, cloud-connected world. Our platforms are optimised for the automotive navigation and infotainment, digital cameras and imaging, connected home infotainment and wireless audio markets. We provide solutions to complex problems in the audio-visual, connectivity and location technology domains across a broad range of markets, with a technology portfolio that includes GPS/GNSS systems, Bluetooth?, Wi-Fi?, FM, NFC, aptX? and CVCTM audio codecs, JPEG, MPEG, H.264 imaging, PDL printing, microcontrollers, DSPs and broadband receivers. CSR?s technology solutions and market platforms enable its customers to deliver a superior user experience and are adopted by leaders in the auto, computer, home and mobile markets. More information can be found at Keep up to date with CSR on our blog, YouTube or follow us on Twitter at

Dialog Semiconductor
Dialog Semiconductor plc creates low-power, energy-efficient, highly integrated, mixed-signal circuits optimised for personal portable, short-range wireless, lighting, display and automotive applications. Our power management and wireless products are used by leaders in Smart-Phones, Tablets and other high growth segments. The company provides flexible and dynamic support, world-class innovation and the assurance of dealing with an established business partner. The company is headquartered near Stuttgart with a global sales, R&D and marketing organisation. We are one of the fastest growing European public semiconductor companies. The company is listed on the Frankfurt (FWB: DLG) stock exchange and is a member of the German TecDAX index.

More than 20 years of successfully experience in the design, development and implementation of Geographic Information Systems customized to client?s needs, make us the leader in GIS solutions in Spain and one of the main players in the world. Eptisa Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n S.A. is part of Eptisa, a group of international Engineering, Architecture and IT companies, completely oriented towards service to the client. Eptisa carries out the most complex projects in the fields of Transportation, Water and Environment, Building, Energy and Industry; applying technological knowledge, creativity, innovation and the latest technologies to progress towards sustainable development of society, to the benefit of people?s welfare.

GeoMobile is an internationally recognized research and development partner in the area of mobile assistive systems. Trusted by government and industrial customers, GeoMobile implements bespoke mobile system solutions for various platforms (iPhone, Android, Windows, HTML5) based on different outdoor and indoor positioning systems with a special focus on usability and accessibility. Participating in large-scale European research projects and combining world-class technology expertise with commercial acumen, GeoMobile exploits innovative research and development into leading products, services and technology.

Genasys is a leading provider of spatial solutions and mobile location services. Genasys covers the entire LBS value chain providing server systems and client components that allow managing multiple location technologies simultaneously applying the best solution for each use case. Genasys combines experience, products and services common to these areas and maintains a commitment to innovation while focusing on customer success.

Indra is the number one technology multinational in Spain and one of the leaders in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with EUR 550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was EUR 2,688m and today more than half of its income is from international markets. The company employs 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

Insiteo is the leading provider of highly-accurate indoor positioning and location based services worldwide compatible with most smartphone OSs. Our full-range of services aims at increasing site profitability, data intelligence, customer experience and satisfaction levels across airports, shopping centres, retailers, commercial and industrial sites, and museums. Over the years we have invested significant resources in providing the optimal indoor positioning solutions based on network (Wifi, BLE) and GNSS (pseudolite) technologies.

Nokia is a global leader in mobile communications whose products have become an integral part of the lives of people around the world. Every day, more than 1.3 billion people use their Nokia to capture and share experiences, access information, find their way or simply speak to one another. Nokia?s technological and design innovations have made its brand one of the most recognized in the world. For more information, visit

Nomadic Solutions
Nomadic Solutions is a designer of innovative solutions and distributor of products with high added value and is one of the major eco-mobility expert in Europe. Nomadic Solutions is a recognized actor for its expertise in embedded electronics solutions (hardware, firmware). Nomadic Solutions designs and distribute a complete range of hardware solutions in ecodriving (clean tech), in satellite geolocalisation (GPS), in telematics, tracability for company personnel working in the field.

Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic Semiconductor is a global leader within ultra-low power (watch battery) wireless technology, a field it pioneered. Today the company is also an associate member of the Bluetooth SIG and member of the SIG?s Board of Directors. Nordic contributed decades of core expertise in ultra-low power wireless to the development of Bluetooth low energy wireless technology ? the hallmark feature of the latest Bluetooth v4.0 specification.

Nordic Technology Group
Nordic Technology Group is a leading provider of healthcare technology solutions. Nordic Technology Group?s health monitoring services allows caregivers to remotely monitor patient?s movements, behavior and health.

NowOn Technologies is focused on creating cost effective scalable solutions for specific vertical applications in Remote Health Care, Micro Asset/Patient/Human Monitoring, Tracking, Guiding, one-to-one opt-in marketing/communication for aiding in-context/in-place social commerce and collaborations. NowOn works with an array of technology partners, subsystem/module/device vendors and value added resellers for solution creation and deployment. These solutions derived from the emerging technologies related to ?embedded meets mobility?, ?Internet of Things? are based on a unique combination of efficient HW (end-point) aiding devices, cloud based scalable backends and mobile device touch point apps. Of immediate focus are market opportunities in countries like India.

Primax Electronics Ltd.
Founded in March 1984 in Taiwan, Primax Electronics has come a long way to become a leading global supplier in consumer and business electronics. Spanning over the entire globe, Primax Electronics has headquarters and R&D in Taiwan, manufacturing operations as well as R&D centers in China , and sales and marketing offices in Hong Kong , Japan , Europe and the United states .

The wide range of products Primax Electronics offers can be separated into the following three broad categories:

PC Peripheral: mice, keyboards, touch pads, camera modules, etc.
Mobile communication: camera modules, Bluetooth headsets, cell phone and mobile device accessories, etc.
System products: printers, multi-function printers (MFP), scanners, shredders, laminators, etc.
Primax Electronics believes its employees are the most valuable assets. We are very proud of our creative and dynamic employees.? We also take pride of our solid management system and management team.? Embracing both eastern and western cultures, the management team is dedicated to lead Primax toward continued growth and greater globalization through the delivery of our business vision.

Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is the world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. For more than 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, linking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other. Qualcomm is the leading provider of location solutions, having enabled more than a billion location-aware devices around the world. For more information, visit Qualcomm?s website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.

RapidBlue Solutions Oy
RapidBlue Solutions is an industry pioneer for tailored consumer analytics. The company provides consumer movement data and performance enhancement to retailers and large indoor environments.

Samsung Electronics Co
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2011 consolidated sales of USD 143.1 billion. Employing approximately 206,000 people in 197 offices across 72 countries, the company operates two separate organizations to coordinate its nine independent business units: Digital Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, and Digital Imaging; and Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System LSI and LED. Recognized for its industry-leading performance across a range of economic, environmental and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world?s most sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more information, please visit

Seolane Innovation
Seolane Innovation delivers smart, technology-enabled solutions to solve its customers? toughest challenges. Our commitment to excellence and passion for exceeding expectations are demonstrated every day. Seolane Innovation connects consumers to services in transportation, security and hospitality domains.

Sony Mobile Communications
Sony Mobile Communications is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony Corporation, a leading global innovator of audio, video, game, communications, key device and information technology products for both the consumer and professional markets. With its music, pictures, computer entertainment and online businesses, Sony is uniquely positioned to be the leading electronics and entertainment company in the world. Through its Xperia(TM) smartphone portfolio, Sony Mobile Communications delivers the best of Sony technology, premium content and services, and easy connectivity to Sony?s world of networked entertainment experiences. For more information:

TamperSeal AB
TamperSeal AB, founded 2010, is focused to develop and market products for intelligent tamper evident packaging and product authentication. Company mission is to reduce and trace thefts and to obstruct the presence of products counterfeits, providing sustainable trust in products and companies of origin. TamperSeal AB is located in Halmstad and Lund in Sweden.

Team Action Zone (TAZ)
Team Action Zone (TAZ) is a global innovation leader in location based mobile games. TAZ develops and licenses unique games and platforms, which are suitable for team event organizers, attractions such as theme parks, and consumers. TAZ received the Quality Innovation Award 2011 and TAZ game TrezrHunt was selected as the Sports Product of the Year 2011 in Finland.

Visioglobe? is a simplified joint stock company created in 2007 by Philippe Poutignat (Chairman) and Eric Bernard (CEO). The company has offices in Grenoble (France), and Dubai (UAE). Visioglobe has a capital of 889K? and closed its first funds rising by the end of 2009 with an investment of 1.2MEUR. The company is developing and editing an innovative software solution for 3D visualization. The technology can be used indoor or outdoor and can be implemented on iPhone, iPad and Android. Visioglobe? is the Winner of the ? 2010 NAVTEQ Global LBS Challenge? APAC 2010 ?.

Tagged facility owners, high accuracy, indoor location, mobile services, mobility


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