Thursday, September 27, 2012

Antivirus Software: Losing the Race to Malware | Founders ...

If you?re a diligent computer user, you make sure to keep your antivirus software current. It?s the only way to safeguard your computer from viruses and malware, right? According to a recent story by MIT?s Technology Review, no.

Antivirus Software: Unreliable?

The story says that the antivirus software we have all counted on to shield our information is no longer as effective as it used to be. Increasingly more sophisticated viruses are being developed daily that cannot be discovered by current antivirus software. This can be very concerning as many of us use the Internet every single day.

Burned by Flame

The Technology Review story focuses on Flame, probably the most complicated instances of malware ever discovered. According to the story, Flame has been copying documents and making recordings of audio, keystrokes, network traffic and Skype calls and taking screenshots of all this activity from the computers it has infected. What?s the worst part? Flame has been doing this for around two years, according to the Technology Review story. And throughout this time, not a single bit of security software discovered this particularly clever bit of malware.

An Industry Under Siege

Wouldn?t it be nice if Flame was the only malware that could get by antivirus software? Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are quite a few that are more than difficult to detect and as soon as antivirus software gets upgraded, malware is developed that challenges it even more. This does not mean it?s not necassary to take all measures available to protect your computer, like keeping your antivirus software up to date. You should just be aware that there are viruses out there that may break through. Hopefully the antivirus industry will ultimately catch up with the development of viruses and malware.



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