Monday, September 3, 2012

Do You Use Personal Branding for Yourself or for Your Business?

Do You Use Personal Branding for Yourself or for Your Business?

For several years now, self branding, aka personal branding remains the new kid on the block as internet marketing? via ?work from home? opportunities have taken off.? This all results usually from new people getting in the business with little or no training, told simply to call everyone they know to come to their home party combined with unending rejection from basically everyone with whom they speak.? This is what has sent so many people to the internet to try to improve their network marketing businesses.? Unfortunately, many people seem to think that as soon as they begin internet marketing, especially online network marketing, that it?s time for them to join Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, and every other social media group that exists to let all of their ?would-be? customers know that they are ?open for business.?? You know the rest of this story?

Personal Branding Is About You? Not Your Company

When you start getting friend requests from people you?ve never heard of or you begin to get ?personal messages? offering to show you their opportunity, consider yourself the ?lucky one.?? What usually happens with the more aggressive newbies, is that they start spamming all over the place. They?ll post their ?opportunity? in facebook groups where it?s totally inappropriate, comment on other people?s spam posts with their own, or even worse, spam your wall or channel completely! The only ?personal branding? this accomplishes is letting lots of people know that they have no clue how to attract people to themselves OR their business.

Do You Use Personal Branding for Yourself or for Your Business?

Have you ever seen this from people who know nothing about personal branding (about 97% of online marketers)?? ?Brand X is the most awesome?all natural and organic colon cleansing, acai berry juice extracted,? wrinkle and age spot reducing penny auction site ON THE PLANET that will not only reduce your phone bill, it will make you a TON of money while increasing in value over time!!!? Not only that? it?s totally refundable!!!? PM me to GET IT HERE AND GET ON THIS WINNING TEAM!! This illustrates nothing more than inexperience coupled with, in many times, desperation.

Personal Branding and Attraction Marketing Walk Hand In Hand

I made a little video that basically puts it in perspective. Please feel free to comment.

This was a fun little video to make, but I wanted to illustrate a point.? Our business is about YOU.? It?s not about your company and its great products.? People join people whom they like and trust.? They just don?t randomly jump into some business because it has flashy ads! So, the bottom line is this:? brand yourself as a leader; not your company.? If you don?t know about this great concept but want to know more about it, there is a way you can learn everything you need to know about personal branding.

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