Sunday, September 23, 2012

Entertaining With VH ? Help in the Kitchen - My Wee View

I love having people over for supper. ?I am always finding excuses to have family and friends at home ?to entertain. ?A nice summer BBQ a birthday party (even for us adults) or just to get together, I love having a house full of loved ones. ?The unfortunate part is, I don?t really enjoy cooking much. ?I like the company for visiting, not because I want to show off my latest and greatest?recipes?- because I really don?t have any. ?I make anything easy, as you can see by the?recipes I?regularly?post on my site?- easy, but still yummy.

My most recent helper that I discovered (again) is the crockpot. ?It?s so simple to just throw some chicken or beef in the morning along with a sauce. ?When I come home after a long day at work, supper is ready and it smells like I?ve been slaving in the kitchen all day ? that?s my kind of cooking. ?My family can attest that I?definitely?do NOT slave over anything in the kitchen.

The latest addition to my easy to make suppers in VH?sauces. ?I had the chance to try a few different flavours, all of which were thrown into the crockpot. ?The first was the Medium Garlic Rib Sauce. ?It so happened ?that I didn?t have any ribs, but I had a lot of chicken and being the adventurous type that I am, I thought ?What the heck?. ?So, I put the sauce and chicken in the crockpot and by supper time, we had fall off the bone Medium Garlic Chicken and it was very very yummy, served with veggies and rice, it was a very easy supper and everyone enjoyed it. ?It just goes to show that you can mix and match sauces as you want, and it?s ok to think outside of the box (or jar).

The next sauce we tried was the?VH Sweet Thai Chili sauce. ?Once again, this was a crockpot meal ? I?m?serious?about making mealtime easy. ?By supper the house was filled with a sweet aroma and hungry bellies. ?Being pregnant, I thought this sauce might be a little too spicy (just by the name), but it was fine, and didn?t even give me heartburn afterwards. ?To be ?honest, I think milk and water are the worst offenders and spices play a very little role when it comes to heartburn. ?This was another great meal and great for lunch left overs the next day ? even hubster brought leftovers for lunch.

If you like quick, easy and yummy these sauces are a very easy way to make a real meal (ie ? not frozen). ?I love having any help I can get in the kitchen. ?I was reading somewhere that the average woman spends 3 years in the kitchen, that?s way too long for me. ?If VH wants to help me in the kitchen so I can have more time to mingle with my family and friends when they come to visit I?ll gladly take the help.

Want some more ideas? Check out the VH Facebook page.

Next Month, my pay it forward blogger is Monica from Older Mommy Still Yummy, so make sure to check her out for another giveaway.


  • 1 lucky winner is going to receive a grocery gift card and?VH?sauces, total ARV approximately $25

To Enter:

  • Complete the Rafflecopter form below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclosure ? I am participating in the VH Excite Your Dinner blog tour by enCompass Media on behalf of Con Agra Foods. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion.


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