Thursday, October 25, 2012

Microsoft makes the right moves to tighten privacy policy

With so many concerns about the use of customer data, be it through what is collected by a carrier and sold, or aggregated through use of services the way Google does across its uniform policy, it is quite refreshing to see Microsoft respond to these concerns with some fairly notable action.

Congressman Edward Markey (D-Mass), co-chair of the Congressional Bipartisan Privacy Caucus sent a letter to Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer expressing concerns about Microsoft?s recently implemented privacy policy. By recent, we mean going into effect this past Friday. Rep. Markey cited concerns in the Microsoft Services Agreement verbiage that gave the appearance that Microsoft would leverage user data gathered within services such as email, instant messaging and search to deliver targeted advertising despite previous statements by Microsoft that the company would not adopt such a practice.

These concerns were raised by the Congressman after an article was published in the New York Times on October 19th which cited the new policy going into effect with Microsoft, and contrasted the harsh reaction many had to Google?s similar privacy policy.

Obviously looking to avoid any backlash with two major media events planned in the coming days, Microsoft released a statement to ensure that its intentions were clear. It also responded to Rep. Markey?s admonition to consider an opt-in standard regarding the collection of data.

To that end, Microsoft also took the step to make the ?do not track? option in Internet Explorer the default setting in the browser, even though it was not part of the Services Agreement. Score one for Microsoft.

sources: New York Times, Microsoft Services Agreement via wpcentral


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John Cena to face the WWE Universe?s questions on Hell in a Cell Pre-Show

Newly implicated in the ?AJ scandal? that forced Ms. Lee to resign as Raw?s General Manager Monday, John Cena will face questions asked directly by the WWE Universe during the live WWE Hell in a Cell Pre-Show Sunday. Fans will be able to submit questions via Twitter, Tout and Facebook, using the hashtag #CenaPreShow.

The Pre-Show ? which will stream live on, and starting at 7:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. PT ? will mark Cena?s first appearance before the WWE Universe since ?the AJ scandal? became public. Questions need not be limited to the embattled now-former GM, though.

AJ resigned as Raw?s GM hours after being called into an impromptu meeting with the WWE Board of Directors Monday. In resigning, AJ left a post that she held since July 23. Her temporary successor, Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero, later accused AJ of having an affair with a Superstar, and WWE cameras caught AJ informing Cena that he was the alleged Superstar. (READ: The AJ Scandal: Did AJ have an affair?)

Cena has outright denied claims of an affair, saying only that he and AJ had a ?business meeting? the week before. AJ has concurred with his account.

However, on Sunday, before the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, the WWE Universe will get its chance to ask the hard questions of the Cenation leader.?What will happen when the 12-time World Champion, who was already engulfed in a volatile rivalry with WWE Champion CM Punk before the ?AJ scandal? broke, faces the scrutiny of the WWE Universe?

Don?t miss out on this high-stakes event, when it streams live Sunday, beginning at 7:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. PT. (HOW TO WATCH WWE HELL IN A CELL)

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M 4.3, Oaxaca, Mexico

Earthquake Details

  • This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Location16.581?N, 97.336?W
Depth46.8 km (29.1 miles)
Distances36 km (22 miles) N of San Miguel Panixtlahuaca, Mexico
67 km (41 miles) WSW of Zimatlan de Alvarez, Mexico
70 km (43 miles) WSW of San Jacinto Ocotlan, Mexico
71 km (44 miles) WSW of Trinidad de Zaachila, Mexico
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 27.3 km (17.0 miles); depth +/- 9.2 km (5.7 miles)
ParametersNST= 22, Nph= 24, Dmin=170.3 km, Rmss=1.13 sec, Gp=194?,
M-type=body wave magnitude (Mb), Version=5
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000dc79
  • Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

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Grant funds new fitness equipment for Baton Rouge schools ? Our ...

By Tina Dirmann
staff writer for BCBS Louisiana Foundation

Physical education teacher Bonnie Richardson doesn?t just care about her students health.

The topic moves her to tears.

On a sunny fall day, as she gathered with her students on the Baton Rouge FLAIM school playground to break-in newly installed fitness equipment, she spoke of how the playground additions will impact kids.

??This will open up an opportunity for our students to be stronger,? said the teacher, carefully watching students struggle up a pole and wrestle with their first pull-ups.

Understanding that school PE activities are often the only time her kids get real exercise, the impassioned teacher tears-up. She knows her students are already battling issues formerly seen in only older adults, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity.

?But those problems have not only permeated her campus.

They are a growing epidemic on elementary school campuses serving lower-income neighborhoods. And it?s the reason the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation of Louisiana (through their Challenge for a Healthier Louisiana grant program) partnered with the Mayor?s Healthy City Initiative in Baton Rouge to create Fresh Beginnings, a $2.2 million project aimed at improving health and fitness needs in the community.

?And a top priority for Fresh Beginnings is to target physical education programs in North Baton Rouge schools, offering new equipment, training programs and nutritional education.
Fresh Beginnings also partnered with Project Fit America to implement the new physical fitness programs. Although Fit America is a national charity, this is the first time the group will be in Louisiana, teaching Baton Rouge school children fun, innovative fitness games and programs. Even the teachers must undergo training, said Steve Cox, national in-service director for Project Fit America, who was in town with Project Fit Trainer Kim Berg on Oct. 15-16. The pair spent time with students and teachers at four schools (BRFLAIM, Buchanan Elementary, Winbourne Elementary and Ryan Elementary).

?We are just starting to understand that kids who grow up unfit, stay unfit,? Cox said. ?Today, obese kids are developing diseases folks used to die of in their 60?s and 70?s. But the pendulum is swinging, as a society. We see this now and we?ve got to work to change it. Our kids deserve better.?

At Buchanan Elementary, Berg brought new three pound weighted hoola hoops and basketballs and ordered kids to run from workout station to workout station using the equipment to earn pieces of a skeleton puzzle. they couldn?t stop running, shooting, hoola-hooping until the puzzle was complete. And in the process, she threw out a few fitness terms, like, ?Hey, who knows what your core is??

?This is not just about exercise, but what each exercise addresses,? she said, emphasizing that their program isn?t just P.E. ? it is Physical Eduation, in the truest sense of the term.
The school visits and equipment donations are just the beginning of a three year program that will eventually go beyond school campuses and into the surrounding community. Look for Mobile Markets to crop up soon ? rotating grocery stores aimed at providing access to fresh fruits and vegetables in neighborhoods void of farmer?s markets or full service grocery stores.
Learning more about the Fresh Beginnings initiative, BR FLAIM school principal Cheryl Miller nodded in approval.

?These are all ground up initiatives, and we are the ground,? she said, nodding toward her school. ?Louisiana has been at the bottom of the obesity scale for too long. But if our kids see we think it?s important to be healthy, that we are serious about this, then it will stick. We will teach them life long skills.?


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New India Assurance opens new facility in Dubai

Dubai: New India Assurance Co recently opened a dedicated facility in Dubai for claims processing.

The facility was inaugurated by A.R. Sekar, Chairman-cum-managing director (officiating) of The New India Assurance Co, Ltd, and Saleem Rais, Director RHS group, chief agents of the company in Dubai. The event was attended by K. Sanathkumar, Director and General Manager of The New India Assurance Co Ltd, along with Saadi Rais, Director RHS group. New India Assurance in their Indian operations plans to customise products to suit people living in small towns and introduce insurance through mobile phones in the days to come. The company said it is poised for growth in the retail segment of insurance apart from their corporate expertise in conventional lines of Insurance including oil and gas.


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Cyprus champion AEL Limassol names ex-Porto defender Jorge Costa as the new coach

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NICOSIA, Cyprus ? Cyprus champion AEL Limassol says former Porto defender and Portugal international Jorge Costa is the new coach.

The 41-year-old Costa's career success and ambitious outlook will be a boon for AEL, says club spokesman Ploutis Avraam.

Avraam says the "needed" coaching change bodes well for AEL since Costa is a known quantity to the team, in which most of the players are Portuguese.

Costa takes over from Cypriot Pambos Charalambous, who last year guided AEL to the Cypriot championship after a 44-year dry spell.

Costa doesn't have time to settle in on Wednesday, a day before AEL faces Turkey's Fenerbahce at home in a Europa League Group C match.

Fenerbahce and Marseille lead the group with four points each. AEL and Borussia Monchengladbach have one point each.



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Meningitis probe could hit hospital drug supplies: U.S.

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Explosion at arms factory rocks Sudan's capital

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) ? A powerful explosion at a military factory rocked Sudan's capital before dawn Wednesday, sending detonating ammunition flying through the air and causing panic, the official news agency and local media reports said.

Officials said there were no reports of deaths, although some residents had suffered from smoke inhalation. They did not say what caused the blast.

Thick black smoke covered the sky covered the sky over the Yarmouk Military Industrial Complex in southern Khartoum. Sudan's media reported that nearby buildings were damaged by the blast, their roofs blown off and their windows shattered.

Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Mohamed Hussein and senior officials visited the site of the explosion and held an emergency meeting with top army generals while security forces sealed off the area surrounding the complex and halted traffic.

Khartoum governor Abdul-Rahman Khedr told SUNA agency that no one died in the explosion. He said the fire was under control and an investigation into the cause is under way.

In 2009, a convoy carrying weapons in northeastern Sudan was targeted from the air, killing dozens. It was widely believed that Israel carried out the attack on weapons shipment headed for Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Israel never confirmed or denied that. Sudanese parliamentarians denied that weapons were transported in the area.

In 1998, the United States cruise missiles bombed a Khartoum pharmaceutical factory suspected of links to al-Qaida in the aftermath of the terror group's bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.

Sudan has been a major hub for al-Qaida militants and a transit for weapon smugglers and African migrant traffickers.


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Dutch court rules that Samsung didn't infringe on Apple multi-touch patent

Dutch court rules that Samsung didn't infringe on Apple multi-touch patent

Once again, a decision has been made on an Apple versus Samsung patent dispute. This time, it's a Dutch court in the Hague, ruling that Samsung does not infringe on a Cupertino patent relating to certain multi-touch commands that the Korean firm implements in some of its Galaxy phones and tablets. This isn't the first time that the Netherlands-based court has found in favor of Samsung, and Apple had already lost a preliminary injunction on this same patent last year. Reuters also reports that the Hague court's decision comes in the same week that the International Trade Commission is expected to decide about further patent disputes between the two firms, which went in favor of Apple the last time around. At the very least, this long and bumpy ride isn't over yet.

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Dutch court rules that Samsung didn't infringe on Apple multi-touch patent originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 24 Oct 2012 08:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Mood Mate: Great Mental Health App, Could We Get One Like It ...


Sometimes the time for an app has just come.

Launched on World Mental Health Day?on October 10, a new mental health app already has?more than 1,500 downloads and a #3 ranking among free Health & Fitness apps?and, lest we forget, a mention on Twitter by none other than Alistair Campbell, Tony Blair?s former spokesman who now campaigns on mental health.

It?s got the properly British name of Mood Mate, as the application comes out of the University of Reading, where researchers are studying whether an iOS app could, as they write, ?help people with low mood and anxiety to find and seek local treatment.?

And after all my beefs about mental health apps not being backed up by research (see ?We Know There?s an App For That?But Often Research Lags Behind Mobile Mental Health App?Claims?),?this app continues the research even as it is being utilized.

Alex Gyani, a researcher at the University of Reading Department of Psychology, devised a way for people to use an app?and for research data to be gleaned from it at the same time.

Mr Gyani said: ?Having a randomised [forgive the spelling; he's a Brit] controlled trial built into an app that is available on the iTunes store is a fantastic way to conduct research ? and the more participants we can recruit, the more we will learn.?That?s why an app is such a great way to conduct a trial like this one.?

He continues, ?We hope it will enable us to find new ways to help people suffering from mental health problems in the UK get the psychological treatments that have been shown to work.?

So users of the app become subjects when they download it. People are only eligible to be part of the study?although given the number of downloads, seems like people who are not officially part of the study find the app useful, as well?if they?re suffering from anxiety or low mood.

The study is structured so that two-thirds of those who download the app are asked to monitor their moods for 30 days and are given information about where to find local services where they can receive mental health help, without going through a GP, the equivalent of a primary care physician.

In a really cool move, the treatments recommended are part of the National Health Service?s ?Improving Access to Psychological Therapies initiative, or IAPT, on which the government has spent ?400 million since 2007,?and are therefore free. [Can you see this happening in the States? Free medical care for mental health? Seems like that could be a big part of the holdup in getting a similar app here Stateside.]

The remaining third just get the information about where to find services without monitoring mood.

The point, you might ask? Researchers are trying to determine whether monitoring mood encourages people to seek out treatment.

You can find more about the app from its Tweets (handle @MindAboveMood), from its website, and from reading the reviews on iTunes?where you can purchase it, as well?for nothing down?if you happen to be British.

Mood Mate would certainly have to be tweaked to fit into an American approach to medicine (and lose the word ?mate,? as well, I?m sure)?but it doesn?t seem all that hard, if someone takes an interest. Well, maybe if you cut out that offering free services, too.

What an utterly unAmerican idea.


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Preach it, Brother Hedgehog: Ron Jeremy goes to church?

Porno actor Ron Jeremy spoke at a church in Hudsonville, Michigan over the weekend to hundred of people who turned up for his talk, a double bill with California pastor Craig Gross, a minister who tries to help porn addicts.

The local NBC affiliate, WoodTV reported:

Jeremy, who was raised Jewish, spoke briefly about his life in the industry; admitting he still works and has been with more than 2,000 women. Throughout the years, however, he has had several personal experiences that have brought him closer to God; one of them was surviving a car wreck with the late pastor/comedian Sam Kinison.
?The car didn?t hit a single tree. It was a forest?[the car] missed every tree at 60 miles an hour upside down,? Jeremy said.

But Jeremy holds the belief that pornography and religion can co-exist.

?I don?t think the Lord above has a problem with consenting adults, having consenting romance, for consenting adults to watch. Period. But again the whole sex outside marriage, The Bible has got a problem with that and that?s where me and most of the people here are never going to agree on that,? Jeremy said.

He added, ?The vast majority of porn stars believe in God.?

Jeremy also played piano and harmonica for attendees.

Porn star speaks at Hudsonville church

Via Christian Nightmares

Posted by Richard Metzger


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Ham Hock Stock and Homemade Split Pea Soup. - Something Edible


Ok, when was the last time you had a brimming, hot bowl of split pea soup? Alright, now everyone that gets their split pea soup from a can please put your hand down. Wow, not many left huh? Well, that's a shame because homemade split pea soup is a real treat. It's not at all difficult to prepare; but cooking the right ingredients the right way swaps out "just ok" for descriptors like "hearty," satisfying," and "fantastic". The way I do split pea soup means starting with a slow cooker stock based on smoky pork hocks originating from locally-raised pork. Fresh veggies sweat in butter and herbs make for the kind of savory foundation where a half pound of dry legumes can't help but end up being tasty.


For me soup is a little bit like jazz. It's made a little different every time; and while a recipe, like sheet music is sufficient to carry the tune, a recipe doesn't really shine until a guy puts down his notes and starts to wing it. So while this isn't exactly the first time I've made this recipe, it is the first time I've made this recipe in this specific fashion, so you'll have to forgive me if you were looking for a bit more predictability (anyhow, we had a proper beta recipe last week, people).

Much like potato soup, a lot of what makes split pea soup work so well hinges on said soup's consistency. The best way to hose up a soup is to throw it all in the pot, turn up the burner, and cross your fingers. I know there are Crock Pot recipes for s.p.s.; and I've got nothing against slow cooker soup. However, for this here soup, I really don't dig a straight slow cooker method and that "cruise-control cooking". Dried legumes on thier own can be overwhelmingly earthy and as they begin to break down in the simmer, they have the potential to really muddy up a soup. To remedy this problem, we need to add flavors in layers and at different times to ensure that ingredients retain their identity, so that eyes and tastebuds alike can enjoy and understand what's going on in every spoonful.

Recipe: Jump to the detailed recipe. (or, keep reading for the gist of it) -

Ham Hock Stock

  • 5 cups water
  • 1 1/2 lbs smoked pork hocks
  • 1 yellow onion Medium-sized; quartered.
  • 2 carrots Cut into 2 inch chunks.
  • 1 celery stalks Cut into 2 inch chunks (tops and all).
  • The Soup Proper

  • 2 Tbsps butter
  • 1 onion Make it a big one; minced.
  • 2 carrots Halved and sliced 1/8 inch thick.
  • 2 celery stalks Minced (again, I'd rock the tops too).
  • 2 cloves garlic Minced.
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp sage
  • 1/4 tsp thyme
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne
  • 4 cups ham stock
  • 1/2 lb dried split peas (Usually about half a bag.) Rinsed.
  • meat from the rendered pork hock Half inch dice
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 2 tsps Balsamic vinegar
  • For the Stock-
    Add the water and the hocks to an appropriately-sized slow cooker. Set the heat to low, cove, and let it go for 6 hours. Add onion, carrots, and celery and continue cooking on low for 2 more hours. At the end of the slow cook, reserve the pork hocks and strain the rest to separate the worn-out veggies (discard 'em). Cool to room temperature and refrigerate the stock until you're ready to make soup (or move directly on to the next step if you can't wait).

    For the Soup-
    Into a 4 quart pot over medium heat, melt the butter and add the onion, carrots, celery, garlic, salt, thyme, sage, black pepper, and cayenne. Sweat for 10 minutes stirring occassionally to prevent any burning. When the onion gets translucent, and the carrots start to get tender , add the ham stock and the dried, rinsed split peas. Still over medium heat, bring the proto-soup just to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 30-35 minutes or until peas are just tender.

    Ladle out 2 cups worth of soup and blend the reserved soup until smooth. Stir the blended soup back into the pot. Dice up the pork hocks reserved from the stock-making and add that to the soup along with the sour cream and Balsamic vinegar to finish.



    • If the stock method seems a bit familiar here, that's cuz it's exactly the way I make slow cooker turkey stock (if it ain't broke, don't fix it).
    • In most cases, my carrot eating hound gets a treat more to her liking when I make stock. Along with all that prize gelatin, Animal protein tends to give up all its flavor for the stock cause, and all that's left is better off left as dog fodder. However, in the case of smoked pork hocks, what's been stewed into oblivion has even more to give. The 8ish hour hot soak makes that impossibly tough cut of hog manageable; and what's more, the meat still tastes like something you'd wanna eat. Waste not, want not people.
    • Oh you hoity-toity food folks and your fancy gadgets: Who the hell has a stick blender? Well if you consider yourself a soup person, this question is a bit rhetorical. Soup is all about texture and there's no better way to control the texture of a soup than by a bit of blending. Reserve two cups of soup and hit it with the stick until it's smooth. One caveat here: Make sure any blendage is done before you add the pork bits back to the mix (that'd be nasty).
    • Besides the obvious addition of salt, soups that are "missing something" lack the brightness that comes from the addition of something acidic. A splash of vinegar will do wonders for a soup; and in this instance, we're also using sour cream for an extra bit of richness as well. The next time you're tempted to add more salt to a soup, you might wanna see what dinking with the pH a bit first before serving will get ya.



    If I was gonna pick just one soup to eat for the rest of my life, split pea soup would likely be in my top three choices. Soup is very much a textural affair for me, and because we judiciously blended we have balance; not real soupy, but not a thick, chunky mess either. Likewise, because we used stock to start, we've got plenty of body without having to go overboard with the dairy.

    If you had to boil it down, I divide my soups into two camps: Stock based-soups, and everything else. Stock-based soups come together pretty quickly if you don't include that extra preliminary step of making stock. Stock-making takes the better part of a business day, but there's nothing to say that you have to do this all in one fail swoop either. Do your stock on a day where you have time to mind the crock pot for those few crucial hours near the end of the cook and you'll have the basis for a bowl of perfectly-seasoned legume and hog goodness later in the week when dinner needs to happen with relative quickness.


    It's real easy: If the guy processing your hog asks you if you want the hocks smoked, you say "yes."

    It's real easy: If the guy processing your hog asks you if you want the hocks smoked, you say "yes."

    The trick to great stock is to add your veggies at the very end. On an eight hour cook, the aromatics only need to be present for the last couple of hours.

    The trick to great stock is to add your veggies at the very end. On an eight hour cook, the aromatics only need to be present for the last couple of hours.

    A sweat of carrots, celery, and onions. Yup; that's a mirepoix.

    A sweat of carrots, celery, and onions. Yup; that's a mirepoix.

    I'm not much for geophagia, so I make sure to rinse my split peas before adding them to the soup.

    I'm not much for geophagia, so I make sure to rinse my split peas before adding them to the soup.

    No need for extra thickeners, all your soup needs can be released by blending 2 cups of reserved soup (who knew?).

    No need for extra thickeners, all your soup needs can be released by blending 2 cups of reserved soup (who knew?).

    With the consistency corrected, the diced bits of ham hock are added back to the soup. Grab me a bowl.

    With the consistency corrected, the diced bits of ham hock are added back to the soup. Grab me a bowl.

    If you're used to split pea soup from a can, you're in for a surprise. Serve with a crusty loaf or even a wedge of cornbread and dinner's in the bag.

    If you're used to split pea soup from a can, you're in for a surprise. Serve with a crusty loaf or even a wedge of cornbread and dinner's in the bag.


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    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    norri better: The Greatest Backpack Distributors | travel and leisure

    Backpack distributors are performing everything they could to have more sellers to buy their bags. Backpacks are the very best bags to carry your stuff because they spread the weight that you're carrying on the entire of your back. They are convenient because they can carry everything from schoolbooks to clothes to all you may need when you are going on a walking adventure. They are comfy, and they lessen muscle strain. It doesn't matter whether the load is great or small.

    With many backpack distributors to pick from, you may not learn who distributes the best bags. You're spoilt for choice, and you have to conduct a lots of research to know the one that gives the cheapest price in town. The best backpack distributors have got websites on the internet that enable the retailers to shop for their bags ideally without leaving their stores.

    When you are looking at the style of the backpack, its attributes and the advantages of using it, it is simpler when it's done over the internet. The purchasing, the payments, and the availability of the back packs is so easy and so comfortable. You do not have to leave the convenience of your office or your car seat to get there. They come at a less expensive price because you don't have to fuel your car to go get them. They're shipped right to your home, and you use the time you would have used to go there performing something more significant in the office or in the shop.

    Great backpack distributors give their retailers all the details they want about the backpacks they would like to get. Should they have an online shop, they make certain that all the information concerning the bags is shown on the pages. They give the retailers all the time they have to take a look at their brochures. They've got a chat feature in their sites in order that if a retailer is stuck when they are trying to find the bags they would like to purchase, they could always ask for assistance, and they can get it straight away. The best backpack distributors give special discounts to their clients. Whether they have been long-term or they're visiting the very first time. It is good to offer a first timer a price reduction even because that small discount is what we will make him to return to your shop.

    Great backpack distributors allows their clients to get backpacks on credit, and if they show to be great when settling their debts, they get discounts. Whenever a client is provided credit discount, they will wish to continue doing business with the distributor mainly because they know they could get goods even without money. A great distributor will make sure that they will let the retailers realize when new stuff gets in.

    He will make sure that all his clients are up to date on brand new arrivals. Good distributors ensure that the bags they are giving are of top quality and this would be a plus for them. Whenever the retailers sell the best bags to their clients, there will be so many referrals, and they'll just need to return back for more bags.

    This info should help you when searching for the best backpack distributors. I am certain you have a tip or two now and the next time you go out to search for a distributor, you'll know what exactly to look for. I'm glad that you took some time to read this.


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    Four Films and Composers Selected for 2012 Sundance Institute ...

    Sundance Institute has announced the four documentary film projects and composers that have been paired together for the tenth Composers + Documentary Lab, October 26 through November 1 at Sundance Resort in Sundance, Utah. The Lab is a joint initiative of the Institute?s Documentary Film Program and Fund (DFP) and Film Music Program.

    Built upon the Sundance Institute Lab model launched in 1981 by Robert Redford, Fellows participate in an unique residential retreat focused on the role of music and sound design in documentary film. Four composers along with four documentary projects from a pool of over 100 active DFP-supported films were selected. Each composer is paired with a filmmaker to compose and record original music for a section of the work-in-progress film. A team of award-winning filmmakers and composers participate as Advisors and work with Sundance Institute staff to guide the process and also screen and discuss their work. Advisors for the 2012 Lab are filmmakers Rob Epstein (Howl, Celluloid Closet), Vivien Hillgrove (In the Matter of Cha Jung Hee) and DFP Director Cara Mertes, as well as music editor Adam Smalley and composers Todd Boekelheide (Blessed is the Match), Miriam Cutler and Film Music Program Director Peter Golub (Wordplay, These Amazing Shadows).

    Cara Mertes, Director of the DFP, said, ?This Lab is unique in the world; through it we have seen the escalation of the use of original composition in cinematic documentary. During the week, we focus on familiarizing outstanding documentary directors with the potential of original music in their films. The composers commonly have established musical careers but have not composed for film, and documentary storytelling is uniquely suited to benefit from the attributes of an inspired musical score and soundscape.?

    Peter Golub, Director of the Film Music Program, said, ?Composers for documentaries face unique challenges yet there are few opportunities for them to work with documentarians and focus specifically on overcoming those obstacles. The Composers + Documentary Lab provides valuable hands-on experience composing for documentary film. More than that, we hope it creates working relationships that will have practical applications throughout these artists? careers.?

    The four films and composers selected for the 2012 Sundance Institute Composers + Documentary Lab are:

    Powerless (India)

    Directors: Fahad Mustafa and Deepti Kakkar

    In a city with 15 hour power outages, a nimble young electrician provides Robin Hood-style services to the poor. Meanwhile, the first female chief of the electricity utility company is on a mission to dismantle the illegal connections, for good.

    Composer: Ed Barguiarena

    Ed Barguiarena is a veteran composer, producer, arranger and musician. His work includes music for feature film, documentaries, theater, modern dance, recordings and live performances.

    Regarding Susan Sontag (U.S.)

    Director: Nancy Kates

    Regarding Susan Sontag tells the dramatic story of the late writer, activist, and public intellectual. It explores Sontag?s career, contrasts her courageous public persona with her closeted private life, examines her contributions to culture, and documents her views as a thinker and activist on war, terrorism, torture, and other contemporary issues.

    Composer: Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum

    Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum, a Juilliard graduate, has collaborated with world-renowned filmmakers, composers, multimedia artist. She has written music for film, television, video games, theater and the concert hall.

    Stargazing (Denmark)

    Director: Berit Madsen

    A young Muslim girl dreams of becoming an astronaut. But at her age the nightly stargazing excursions in the desert are a thorn in the side of family and traditions.

    Composer: Damian Montano

    Damian Montano enjoys a varied musical career as a composer and performer in Los Angeles. He has worked on diverse projects, ranging from composing orchestral commissions to writing and orchestrating for feature film and television. As a bassoonist, he is a member of the LA Chamber Orchestra and performs with ensembles such as the LA Philharmonic and LA Opera.

    Untitled: 1971 (U.S.)

    Director: Johanna Hamilton

    Filmmaker Johanna Hamilton continues her exploration of social movements and the limits of dissent, this time turning her lens to domestic contradictions in North America.

    Composer: Larry Goldings

    Larry Goldings is a Grammy-nominated pianist, keyboardist, composer, and arranger. In addition to being recognized as one of the world?s top jazz organists, he composes songs for and with a growing list of singer-songwriters. He recently completed scoring his first feature film, Dealin? With Idiots, written and directed by Jeff Garlin.

    The Sundance Institute Film Music Program Composers Labs are made possible by BMI, Time Warner Foundation, and the Jerry & Terri Kohl Family Foundation.

    The Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program and Fund is made possible by generous support from Candescent Films, Cinereach, the Crosscurrents Foundation, The Charles Engelhard Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Hilton Worldwide, The James Irvine Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Open Society Foundations, the Joan and Lewis Platt Foundation, the S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation, the Skoll Foundation, Time Warner Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, Marc Weiss, and The J.A. & H.G. Woodruff, Jr. Charitable Trust.

    Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program and Fund

    The Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program and Fund provides year-round support to nonfiction filmmakers worldwide. The program advances innovative nonfiction storytelling about a broad range of contemporary social issues, and promotes the exhibition of documentary films to audiences. Through the Sundance Documentary Fund, the Documentary Edit and Story Laboratory, Composers + Documentary Laboratory, Creative Producing Lab, as well as the Sundance Film Festival, the Sundance Creative Producing Summit and a variety of partnerships and international initiatives ? including Stories of Change and Good Pitch ? the program provides a unique, global resource for contemporary independent documentary film.

    Sundance Institute Film Music Program

    With the goal of nurturing the development of music in film, the Film Music Program connects composers and directors, giving them first-hand experience of the collaborative process. At the Sundance Film Festival, the program raises the profile of music in film through a series of concerts and panels. Year round, whether through international collaborations or through direct consultations with filmmakers, the Film Music Program is committed to enhancing the role of music in film.

    Sundance Institute

    Founded by Robert Redford in 1981, Sundance Institute is a global, nonprofit cultural organization dedicated to nurturing artistic expression in film and theater, and to supporting intercultural dialogue between artists and audiences. The Institute promotes independent storytelling to unite, inform and inspire, regardless of geo-political, social, religious or cultural differences. Internationally recognized for its annual Sundance Film Festival and its artistic development programs for directors, screenwriters, producers, film composers, playwrights and theatre artists, Sundance Institute has nurtured such projects as Born into Brothels, Trouble the Water, Son of Babylon, Amreeka, An Inconvenient Truth, Spring Awakening, Light in the Piazza and Angels in America. Join Sundance Institute ( on Facebook (, Twitter ( and YouTube (

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    Report: Super PAC, House ad spending nearly on par

    (AP) ? Outside political groups are spending nearly the same as congressional campaigns themselves in about two dozen competitive elections this year.

    A study released Monday finds super PACs and other independent groups dropped about $24.8 million on ads affecting the 25 most-competitive House races. That's compared with about $24.9 million that the candidates' own campaigns have spent on the airwaves.

    New York University's Brennan Center for Justice finds the phenomenon affects both Democrats and Republicans. It also finds Democratic candidates are more often reliant on donors who give in smaller amounts.

    Super PACs are flourishing this election thanks to loosened rules that allow them to raise and spend unlimited sums of cash. Those groups and other nonprofits are driving the presidential election alone to cost about $2 billion.

    Associated Press


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News, energy futures fall on economy concernsIndustrial metals and energy prices ended lower Monday following a volatile day for the stock market.More discouraging corporate earnings reports further dimmed the outlook for the U.S. economy, sending ..., 22 Oct 2012 16:12:08 -0400Associated Presscopper-energy-futures-fall-economy-201208573Dow, S&P end flat after late bounce<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" align="left" title="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Dow industrials and the S&amp;P 500 ended flat on Monday after a late-day bounce, as worries about slower global growth hitting corporate sales were offset by earnings that beat expectations. Based on the latest available data, the Dow Jones industrial average inched up 2.38 points, or 0.02 percent, to end unofficially at 13,345.89. The Standard &amp; Poor&#039;s 500 Index edged up just 0.62 of a point, or 0.04 percent, to finish unofficially at 1,433.81. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 11.33 points, or 0.38 percent, to close unofficially at 3,016.96. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 16:11:01 -0400Reuterswall-st-flat-caterpillar-rises-turnabout-150614602--sector<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" align="left" title="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Dow industrials and the S&amp;P 500 ended flat on Monday after a late-day bounce, as worries about slower global growth hitting corporate sales were offset by earnings that beat expectations. Based on the latest available data, the Dow Jones industrial average inched up 2.38 points, or 0.02 percent, to end unofficially at 13,345.89. The Standard &amp; Poor&#039;s 500 Index edged up just 0.62 of a point, or 0.04 percent, to finish unofficially at 1,433.81. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 11.33 points, or 0.38 percent, to close unofficially at 3,016.96. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Stocks recoup losses in late rally on Wall StreetA late buying spree erased early losses on Wall Street, leaving indexes with modest gains at the close of trading., 22 Oct 2012 16:10:34 -0400Associated Pressstocks-recoup-losses-rally-wall-street-201034873--financeCopper, energy futures follow stock market lowerIndustrial metals and energy prices are ending lower following another down day for the stock market.More discouraging earnings reports Monday further dimmed the outlook for the U.S. economy, sending stocks ..., 22 Oct 2012 15:45:06 -0400Associated Presscopper-energy-futures-stock-market-194441372Philips Q3 earnings rise, growth economies help<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010 file photo, a man walks in front of Philips television screens in Berlin, Germany. 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(AP Photo/Gero Breloer, File)" border="0" /></a>Royal Philips Electronics NV, the maker of electric shavers, light bulbs and medical imaging equipment, saw earnings more than double in the third quarter, thanks to modest growth at all its business lines as well as the disposal of its loss-making television business.</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 15:36:50 -0400Associated Pressphilips-q3-earnings-rise-growth-economies-help-072130856--finance<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010 file photo, a man walks in front of Philips television screens in Berlin, Germany. Royal Philips Electronics NV, the maker of electric shavers, light bulbs and medical imaging equipment, announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, that earnings more than doubled in the third quarter, thanks to modest growth at all its business lines as well as the disposal of its loss-making television business. (AP Photo/Gero Breloer, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010 file photo, a man walks in front of Philips television screens in Berlin, Germany. Royal Philips Electronics NV, the maker of electric shavers, light bulbs and medical imaging equipment, announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, that earnings more than doubled in the third quarter, thanks to modest growth at all its business lines as well as the disposal of its loss-making television business. (AP Photo/Gero Breloer, File)" border="0" /></a>Royal Philips Electronics NV, the maker of electric shavers, light bulbs and medical imaging equipment, saw earnings more than double in the third quarter, thanks to modest growth at all its business lines as well as the disposal of its loss-making television business.</p><br clear="all"/>Disappointing earnings weigh down stock market<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" align="left" title="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" border="0" /></a>It&#039;s been a disappointing earnings season.</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 15:05:03 -0400Associated Pressdisappointing-earnings-weigh-down-stock-market-190443358--finance<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" align="left" title="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" border="0" /></a>It&#039;s been a disappointing earnings season.</p><br clear="all"/>Markets are weighed down by disappointing earnings<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" align="left" title="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" border="0" /></a>The stock market turned lower Monday afternoon as investors absorbed mixed earnings reports and waited for an important economic report due at the end of the week.</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 14:03:18 -0400Associated Pressmarkets-weighed-down-disappointing-earnings-145224084--business<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" align="left" title="Trader Michael Zicchinolfi, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. A weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the U.S. stock market in early trading. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)" border="0" /></a>The stock market turned lower Monday afternoon as investors absorbed mixed earnings reports and waited for an important economic report due at the end of the week.</p><br clear="all"/>Markets subdued as US earnings disappointFinancial markets started the week on a flat note after another batch of fairly disappointing U.S. corporate earnings and ahead of the final debate in what appears to be a tight U.S. presidential election., 22 Oct 2012 13:00:00 -0400Associated Pressmarkets-subdued-us-earnings-disappoint-144206117--financeWhy Greg Smith left Goldman Sachs<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="In this Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, photo, Greg Smith, the former Goldman Sachs banker, responds to questions during a news interview in New York. Smith was a vice president at Goldman Sachs until March when he announced his departure from the investment bank with a blistering editorial in The New York Times, accusing Goldman of routinely deceiving clients and relentlessly pursuing profit at the expense of morality.(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)" align="left" title="In this Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, photo, Greg Smith, the former Goldman Sachs banker, responds to questions during a news interview in New York. Smith was a vice president at Goldman Sachs until March when he announced his departure from the investment bank with a blistering editorial in The New York Times, accusing Goldman of routinely deceiving clients and relentlessly pursuing profit at the expense of morality.(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)" border="0" /></a>Greg Smith wrote the essay that echoed across Wall Street like a thunderclap.</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 12:27:35 -0400Associated Presswhy-greg-smith-left-goldman-sachs-040543487<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="In this Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, photo, Greg Smith, the former Goldman Sachs banker, responds to questions during a news interview in New York. Smith was a vice president at Goldman Sachs until March when he announced his departure from the investment bank with a blistering editorial in The New York Times, accusing Goldman of routinely deceiving clients and relentlessly pursuing profit at the expense of morality.(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)" align="left" title="In this Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, photo, Greg Smith, the former Goldman Sachs banker, responds to questions during a news interview in New York. Smith was a vice president at Goldman Sachs until March when he announced his departure from the investment bank with a blistering editorial in The New York Times, accusing Goldman of routinely deceiving clients and relentlessly pursuing profit at the expense of morality.(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)" border="0" /></a>Greg Smith wrote the essay that echoed across Wall Street like a thunderclap.</p><br clear="all"/>Earnings concerns weigh on shares<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="The London Stock Exchange is seen during the morning rush hour in the City of London" align="left" title="The London Stock Exchange is seen during the morning rush hour in the City of London" border="0" /></a>LONDON (Reuters) - Britain&#039;s top share index lost ground on Monday, extending declines on concerns about upcoming third quarter earnings. Drugmakers dipped, with Shire down 1.8 percent and AstraZeneca off 0.5 percent. The firms kick off the heavyweight sector&#039;s results season on Thursday. According to Thomson Reuters Starmine data, of the 8 percent of European companies that have reported results so far, nearly half have missed forecasts. TR Starmine analysts have estimated year-on-year third-quarter earnings growth at 7. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 12:02:21 -0400Reutersftse-falls-back-concern-around-earnings-071747212--finance<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="The London Stock Exchange is seen during the morning rush hour in the City of London" align="left" title="The London Stock Exchange is seen during the morning rush hour in the City of London" border="0" /></a>LONDON (Reuters) - Britain&#039;s top share index lost ground on Monday, extending declines on concerns about upcoming third quarter earnings. Drugmakers dipped, with Shire down 1.8 percent and AstraZeneca off 0.5 percent. The firms kick off the heavyweight sector&#039;s results season on Thursday. According to Thomson Reuters Starmine data, of the 8 percent of European companies that have reported results so far, nearly half have missed forecasts. TR Starmine analysts have estimated year-on-year third-quarter earnings growth at 7. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Earnings concerns weigh on UK shares* FTSE 100 index sheds 0.3 percent * Worries build ahead of UK Q3 earnings season * Shire heads weak drugmakers * Broker comment positive for mining stocks By Jon Hopkins LONDON, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Britain's top share index lostground on Monday, extending declines on concerns about upcomingthird quarter earnings. Drugmakers dipped, with Shire down 1.8 percent andAstraZeneca off 0.5 percent. The firms kick off theheavyweight sector's results season on Thursday. ..., 22 Oct 2012 11:56:01 -0400Reutersearnings-concerns-weigh-uk-shares-155601039--businessCorzine, banks push to end MF Global fraud lawsuitNEW YORK (Reuters) - Jon Corzine's lawyers say allegations that he fraudulently ran MF Global Holdings Ltd make "no sense" and that a lawsuit seeking to hold him and others responsible for the futures brokerage's bankruptcy must be thrown out. Corzine, former colleagues and several banks, including JPMorgan Chase & Co and Goldman Sachs Group Inc , filed papers on Friday night to dismiss investor litigation over MF Global's collapse. The company's October 31, 2011, bankruptcy was Wall Street's biggest meltdown since 2008. ..., 22 Oct 2012 11:31:32 -0400Reuterscorzine-banks-push-end-mf-global-fraud-lawsuit-153132266--sectorMoney edges back to Greece as euro exit fear wanesLONDON (Reuters) - After scrambling to get their money out of Greece as the economy collapsed, Greeks abroad are regaining an appetite for shares and property at home, spurred on by bargain prices and a bet that their country will stay in the euro zone after all. Property investors and agents say interest in real estate has jumped since the summer and there are tentative signs the financial exodus is slowing, according to central bank, stock market and investment flow data. ..., 22 Oct 2012 09:55:20 -0400Reutersmoney-edges-back-greece-euro-exit-fear-wanes-135520962--sectorGoldman book was not meant to be an expose - author<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A Goldman Sachs sign is seen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" align="left" title="A Goldman Sachs sign is seen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" border="0" /></a>JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The former Goldman Sachs Group Inc vice president who publicly accused the bank of taking advantage of unsuspecting clients said he never intended his book to be an expose of practices at the Wall Street firm. Preliminary reviews of Greg Smith&#039;s &quot;Why I Left Goldman Sachs,&quot; which hits bookstores on Monday, have been lacklustre. Critics say the book contains few revelations, given that it had been hyped as a &quot;tell all&quot; look at the investment bank. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 09:50:55 -0400Reutersgoldman-book-not-meant-expose-author-135055937--sector<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A Goldman Sachs sign is seen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" align="left" title="A Goldman Sachs sign is seen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" border="0" /></a>JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The former Goldman Sachs Group Inc vice president who publicly accused the bank of taking advantage of unsuspecting clients said he never intended his book to be an expose of practices at the Wall Street firm. Preliminary reviews of Greg Smith&#039;s &quot;Why I Left Goldman Sachs,&quot; which hits bookstores on Monday, have been lacklustre. Critics say the book contains few revelations, given that it had been hyped as a &quot;tell all&quot; look at the investment bank. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Weak open on Wall Street; Caterpillar, VF flopA weak forecast from heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and other poor earnings results weighed on the stock market in early trading., 22 Oct 2012 09:45:16 -0400Associated Pressweak-open-wall-street-caterpillar-vf-flop-134516502--financeWall Street flat after weak Caterpillar results<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" align="left" title="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks opened little changed on Monday, hurt by disappointing results from global manufacturer Caterpillar and after the S&amp;P 500 suffered the worst one-day decline since late June on Friday. The Dow Jones industrial average slipped 14.90 points, or 0.11 percent, to 13,328.61. The Standard &amp; Poor&#039;s 500 Index edged down 0.47 point, or 0.03 percent, at 1,432.72. The Nasdaq Composite Index added 2.67 points, or 0.09 percent, to 3,008.29. (Reporting by Leah Schnurr; Editing by Kenneth Barry)</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 09:41:07 -0400Reuterswall-street-flat-weak-caterpillar-results-134107098--finance<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" align="left" title="Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks opened little changed on Monday, hurt by disappointing results from global manufacturer Caterpillar and after the S&amp;P 500 suffered the worst one-day decline since late June on Friday. The Dow Jones industrial average slipped 14.90 points, or 0.11 percent, to 13,328.61. The Standard &amp; Poor&#039;s 500 Index edged down 0.47 point, or 0.03 percent, at 1,432.72. The Nasdaq Composite Index added 2.67 points, or 0.09 percent, to 3,008.29. (Reporting by Leah Schnurr; Editing by Kenneth Barry)</p><br clear="all"/>Sensex gains 111 points as earnings improve sentiment<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="People walk past the Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai" align="left" title="People walk past the Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai" border="0" /></a>MUMBAI (Reuters) - The BSE Sensex rose on Monday after strong earnings from blue-chip companies such as Larsen &amp; Toubro and Tata Consultancy Services improved the market sentiment, but Kingfisher Airlines slumped after the civil aviation authorities suspended its flying licence. Gains in banking stocks such as ICICI Bank on expectations the RBI may cut the cash reserve ratio, or the amount of deposits lenders must keep with the RBI, at its policy review on October 30 also helped. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 08:54:36 -0400Reutersbse-sensex-falls-itc-kingfisher-decline-045529159--sector<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="People walk past the Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai" align="left" title="People walk past the Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai" border="0" /></a>MUMBAI (Reuters) - The BSE Sensex rose on Monday after strong earnings from blue-chip companies such as Larsen &amp; Toubro and Tata Consultancy Services improved the market sentiment, but Kingfisher Airlines slumped after the civil aviation authorities suspended its flying licence. Gains in banking stocks such as ICICI Bank on expectations the RBI may cut the cash reserve ratio, or the amount of deposits lenders must keep with the RBI, at its policy review on October 30 also helped. ...</p><br clear="all"/>US stock futures gain after Friday's selloff<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 photo, a trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stock market futures are gaining Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, after Friday?s massive selloff, despite mixed quarterly reports from some top companies. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 photo, a trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stock market futures are gaining Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, after Friday?s massive selloff, despite mixed quarterly reports from some top companies. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" border="0" /></a>U.S. stock market futures are gaining narrowly after Friday&#039;s massive selloff, despite mixed quarterly reports from some top companies.</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 08:45:22 -0400Associated Pressus-stock-futures-gain-fridays-selloff-124522049--finance<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 photo, a trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stock market futures are gaining Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, after Friday?s massive selloff, despite mixed quarterly reports from some top companies. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 photo, a trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stock market futures are gaining Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, after Friday?s massive selloff, despite mixed quarterly reports from some top companies. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" border="0" /></a>U.S. stock market futures are gaining narrowly after Friday&#039;s massive selloff, despite mixed quarterly reports from some top companies.</p><br clear="all"/>Hasbro revenue misses on weak sales in preschool, boys lines(Reuters) - Hasbro Inc , the No. 2 U.S. toy company, posted a third-quarter profit that topped Wall Street expectations but sales fell short of estimates, hurt by a drop in revenue at its boys and preschool product lines. Sales at its boys category, which includes toys such as Transformers, fell 12 percent to $471.1 million, while sales of preschool products fell 5 percent to $206 million. Hasbro, whose brands also include Monopoly, G.I. Joe, Nerf and Mr. Potato Head, has been working with its U.S. retail partners to better manage inventories this year. ..., 22 Oct 2012 07:28:29 -0400Reutershasbro-profit-falls-weaker-sales-boys-preschool-lines-104552771--financeNetflix's global march puts investors on pause<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A Netflix disk envelope is displayed in Encinitas" align="left" title="A Netflix disk envelope is displayed in Encinitas" border="0" /></a>LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Netflix Inc launched its subscription video service in 49 countries in a little more than a year, a push that has left Wall Street analysts wondering if the company is trying to expand its reach too quickly. Last week, the Los Gatos, California-based company began offering on-demand movies and TV shows in Scandinavia, a region Chief Executive Reed Hastings called a battleground for television delivered over the Internet. The company competes there with premium cable network HBO, which is starting to sell online subscriptions to its programs. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 07:03:15 -0400Reutersnetflixs-global-march-puts-investors-pause-110315365--finance<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A Netflix disk envelope is displayed in Encinitas" align="left" title="A Netflix disk envelope is displayed in Encinitas" border="0" /></a>LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Netflix Inc launched its subscription video service in 49 countries in a little more than a year, a push that has left Wall Street analysts wondering if the company is trying to expand its reach too quickly. Last week, the Los Gatos, California-based company began offering on-demand movies and TV shows in Scandinavia, a region Chief Executive Reed Hastings called a battleground for television delivered over the Internet. The company competes there with premium cable network HBO, which is starting to sell online subscriptions to its programs. ...</p><br clear="all"/>SE Asia Stocks-Jakarta, Bangkok rebound; earnings eyedBANGKOK, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Indonesian stocks posted modestgains on Monday while most other Southeast Asian stocks regainedsome lost ground as investors hunted for bargains in indexheavyweights such as Perusahaan Gas Negara ahead ofearnings releases. Jakarta's Composite Index pared early losses toclose near its day's high of 4,341.827, with energy stockPerusahaan Gas up 3 percent. Macquarie Equities Research included Perusahaan Gas amongstocks in Asia expected to report positive earnings surprises inthis earnings season, it said in a report dated Oct. 19. ..., 22 Oct 2012 06:26:51 -0400Reutersse-asia-stocks-jakarta-bangkok-rebound-earnings-eyed-102651379--sectorMarkets await earnings, last presidential debateFinancial markets have started the new week off solidly ahead of another round of U.S. corporate earnings and the final debate in what appears to be a tight U.S. presidential election., 22 Oct 2012 06:07:19 -0400Associated Pressmarkets-await-earnings-last-presidential-debate-100541353--financeAnalysis: Some investors open to higher tax to trim deficit<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Blankfein of Goldman Sachs participates in discussion during the second day of the Clinton Global Initiative 2012 (CGI) in New York" align="left" title="Blankfein of Goldman Sachs participates in discussion during the second day of the Clinton Global Initiative 2012 (CGI) in New York" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nobody likes taxes, and much of Wall Street has poured money into Mitt Romney campaign coffers to avoid paying higher ones. Yet a surprising number of top money managers say they are willing to pay modestly higher rates. They reason that revenue-raising measures are an essential complement to the spending cuts they say are needed to curb the massive U.S. budget deficit. &quot;It&#039;s kind of like taking a distasteful medicine. On the way down, it may not be pleasant,&quot; said Ron Florance, who helps manage assets worth $169 billion at Wells Fargo Private Bank. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 Oct 2012 05:53:53 -0400Reutersanalysis-investors-open-higher-u-tax-shave-deficit-040303509--sector<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Blankfein of Goldman Sachs participates in discussion during the second day of the Clinton Global Initiative 2012 (CGI) in New York" align="left" title="Blankfein of Goldman Sachs participates in discussion during the second day of the Clinton Global Initiative 2012 (CGI) in New York" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nobody likes taxes, and much of Wall Street has poured money into Mitt Romney campaign coffers to avoid paying higher ones. Yet a surprising number of top money managers say they are willing to pay modestly higher rates. They reason that revenue-raising measures are an essential complement to the spending cuts they say are needed to curb the massive U.S. budget deficit. &quot;It&#039;s kind of like taking a distasteful medicine. On the way down, it may not be pleasant,&quot; said Ron Florance, who helps manage assets worth $169 billion at Wells Fargo Private Bank. ...</p><br clear="all"/>World stocks mixed after US earnings disappointWorld stock markets were mixed as traders unnerved by last week's disappointing U.S. corporate earnings results waited for another round Monday., 22 Oct 2012 05:18:13 -0400Associated Pressworld-stocks-mixed-us-earnings-disappoint-091658341--financeTEXT-S&P summary: PT Astra International Tbk.(The following statement was released by the rating agency) Oct 22 - =============================================================================== Summary analysis -- PT Astra International Tbk. ..., 22 Oct 2012 05:06:23 -0400Reuterstext-p-summary-pt-astra-international-tbk-090623675--sector


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