Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vote Now! Cats vs. dogs, the great pet debate - Mousebreath ...

americas great pet debate by purina cats vs. dogs

Kittehs, you don?t wunt this country to go to the dawgs, do you?

Given the prezidenshul debates the last cupple of weeks, that?s just whut?s likely to happen?

?unless you vote to tern America into Cat Country!

America?s Pet Debate is solisiting votes to determin who will prevale: cats or dawgs. Now, I woodn?t wunt thoze stoopid yappy dawgs next door running the country, wood you?

Not only shood you vote, but you shood vote EVRY day, cuz for evry vote in America?s Pet Debate, thare sponsor Purina will donate $1 (up to $100,000) to the Pet Partners? veteran programs. This Through this animal-assisted therapy program, pets ade in the fisikal, mental and emoshunul rehabilitation of some of the 22.7 millyun veteruns in the U.S.

In case you need a reezin to vote for cats, heer are ten reezinx you don?t wunt dawgs to rool:

Now vote fur da cats, kittehs!


Skeezix the Cat -- also known as the Feline Fashionista -- has been blogging daily since March of 2005 when he was six months old. His doppelganger, Flat Skeezix, has traveled to Ireland, England, Ohio, Michigan, the Chuck Erreca Rest Stop on I5, New York, Florida, Missouri, and has been a guest of Sarge Charlie and Auntie Bee on several Carribean cruises. Skeezix loves show tunes, and counts among his idols Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, Liza, Bernadette Peters, Jacqueline Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Liberace and Elton John. His "special" friend is Daisy the Curly Cat.

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Source: http://mousebreath.com/2012/10/10-reasons-to-vote-cats-vs-dogs-in-the-great-pet-debate/

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