Monday, October 22, 2012

Miguel Cabrera gets in his licks, and his laughs

Associated Press Sports

updated 1:25 p.m. ET Oct. 21, 2012

(Eds: APNewsNow. With AP Photos.)

DETROIT (AP) - When comedian George Lopez showed up at a Detroit Tigers workout Friday, Miguel Cabrera was one of the most excited players on the team.

No surprise there. Baseball's first Triple Crown winner in 45 years seems to enjoy hitting and laughing in equal proportion.

Fans are plenty familiar with Cabrera's talent - his consistently high batting average and awe-inspiring power. But his Detroit teammates appreciate him for more than that. Cabrera may be a bit shy in front of a camera or microphone, but there's a goofy side to the third baseman that helps keep his team loose.

Now in the prime of his career, Cabrera's approach remains meticulous, but he's careful not to take himself or his job too seriously.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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