Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama Owns Shares of Sensata, Personally Benefits by Outsourcing of Jobs to China

Obama Owns Shares of Sensata, Personally Benefits by Outsourcing of Jobs to China

Home - by Cardigan - October 15, 2012 - 08:30 America/New_York - Be first to Comment!


The Obama October surprise has exploded with a whimper and not a bang.

Liberals have gone absolutely insane after snorting bathsalts under the name of ?Sensata.? Supposedly, Romney is responsible for what Bain does 12 years after he left it, and Obama is not responsible at all for 4 years of failed economic policy.

And what is their claim? That Romney?s blind trust has holdings in this company that is off-shoring jobs from Illinois to China.

Pretty devastating. The only way this could be a dud is if Obama owned stock in this company as well?

For many sophisticated and wealthy investors, as well as for ordinary workers invested in pension funds, China is a part of any diversified investment strategy.?President Obama, a former Illinois state senator, has as much as $100,000 in a state retirement plan that contains shares of Sensata Technologies, the same auto parts company controlled by Bain that is closing its Illinois factory.

Oh? it would seem that this is a non-story then, right?

Not when you?re snorting bathsalts. The liberals are dedicated to spreading this smear while ignoring the obvious problems with the criticism, including the fact that one of Obama?s most?prolific fundraising bundler headed Bain during the closing of GST steel, the other attempt to derail the Romney campaign with lies.


Source: http://iowntheworld.com/blog/?p=153767

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